7 years out open RNY

on 5/18/09 8:34 am

Hi all,

I am new to the message board but wanted to know if anyone that is 7 years out from there RNY has experienced abdominal pain and have difficulty eating anything it takes for ever to eat I have to stop and let my stomach settle before I can eat any more I feel like I am going to toss what I just ate  and when I am really really hungery I get a abdomial pain all across my stomach area and back.

The doctors have checked me for gall bladder issues and liver issues nothing.  The next step is an open exploritory surgery and the doctor suggested that when they are in there they could do a revision.

I have only lost like 50 pounds from my first surgery nothing much and am still considered in the morid obese range.

Would like to know if any one that has Traditional Anthem insurance has had any luck getting a revision covered.  And if anyone else has had these kind of issues and what you had luck with.


Angela D.
on 5/21/09 11:19 am - Iowa City, Ia
Revision on 01/28/14
Hi there!! Have you had an upper gi or endoscopy done to see what may be going on?
on 5/22/09 12:21 am

Yes I have had all the upper gi test and endoscopy and colon scopy and ct scans with contrast etc you name it I have had it.

When my doctor did the scopy he found a permanent staple that had worked its way loose and was blocking my stomach opening he removed that an I was in hopes that was the problem but shortly after that the pain returned.

They think it might be an internal hernia I have no clue.


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