2 weeks postop revision update
Well, for those of you who know, I finally had my revision surgery from a distal RNY back to a proximal due to the inability to stop losing weight. Surgery was fairly uneventful. They redid my bypass and cleaned out a ton of adhesions. Unfortunately, I still have quite a bit of pain, and have not gained an ounce of weight yet. As of this morning I weigh a whopping 90 pounds. I am starting to wonder if I should have just had a complete reversal. I was afraid to do the complete reversal for fear of gaining all my weight back, but geeze, I have to do something here soon. I was in the hospital for 8 days after surgery, had 3 units of blood, and was on TPN via a PICC line. I felt pretty good while on the TPN, but since being home for the last 7 days am starting to feel run down again. I know weight loss surgery saves a lot of lives, but all that has happened to me makes me wonder how many lives it takes. I am REALLY down and could use any encouragement from ANYONE who might have had to have a revision done for the same reason I had to have one done. I am feeling like if things don't change too, I will literally drop dead of starvation. Okay, maybe beling a little over dramatic there, but I'm frustrated beyond belief.
Wow, 90 pounds, that would scare me too. I think you read my story/blog, so you know that I have suffered similar issues, and still the suffering continues. I was petrified and very upset at the thought of having my RNY reversed, I had all the same fears, still do about gaining the weight back, but even though it didn't solve all of my eating problems, after the reversal I did go from eating 500 calories a day to about 800, so it helped a bit. I also thought at times I could die from the malnutrition, and still wonder what the long term effects of all of this are going to be on my body/mind. I am having a semi-risky procedure on Tuesday that may or may not fix my problem, and I am very nervous about it because I think this is the last ditch effort, but I have to try not to focus on what am I going to do if it doesn't work, and focus on being positive it will. Hang in there, I too have the PICC/TPN right now and I hate it, but it is helping me with the calories, it's just the inconvenience of it and the stigma that I feel about it, self-inflicted I know, but I will just feel more normal when it is gone. Keep me updated please on your progress
Wow, 90 pounds, that would scare me too. I think you read my story/blog, so you know that I have suffered similar issues, and still the suffering continues. I was petrified and very upset at the thought of having my RNY reversed, I had all the same fears, still do about gaining the weight back, but even though it didn't solve all of my eating problems, after the reversal I did go from eating 500 calories a day to about 800, so it helped a bit. I also thought at times I could die from the malnutrition, and still wonder what the long term effects of all of this are going to be on my body/mind. I am having a semi-risky procedure on Tuesday that may or may not fix my problem, and I am very nervous about it because I think this is the last ditch effort, but I have to try not to focus on what am I going to do if it doesn't work, and focus on being positive it will. Hang in there, I too have the PICC/TPN right now and I hate it, but it is helping me with the calories, it's just the inconvenience of it and the stigma that I feel about it, self-inflicted I know, but I will just feel more normal when it is gone. Keep me updated please on your progress
I have a question for you.,,.,.how long has it been since your reversal and how much weight have you gained? I ask this because my surgeon says there are no statitics on how quickly or how well this will work for me. I know I need to have patience, but man is it hard when you feel like crap!
I just got up and weighed this morning and I lost 4 more ounces...it is oh so disappointing to get on that scale and see it moving the wrong direction. UGGGGG!
I just got up and weighed this morning and I lost 4 more ounces...it is oh so disappointing to get on that scale and see it moving the wrong direction. UGGGGG!
I had my RNY reversed on 11/3/08, and until they started the TPN again two weeks ago, I had not gained any weight, I had finally stabilized and stopped losing, but because I am still having problems with pain/nausea/vomiting after eating, I can't get my calories up. Since the TPN, I have probably gained 5-10 pounds, not sure how real those pounds are because I spent 5 days in the hospital getting fluids pumped in, and the fluids from the TPN at home, but I'll take the gain for now and be a little relieved about it. I hear ya, I never thought I would ever get anxious about numbers on a scale going down, a very weird situation for me too!