How do you know if your band has slipped?
My mom is 9 months post-op lap band and for the past two weeks she is not able to keep down anything, sliming even when she drinks a sip of water. She is constantly in the bathroom. I feel so bad because she is down from Oregon visiting me and she feels like crap! Her last fill was Nov. 15th and she was at 7 1/4 cc's. Has this happened to anyone else? What do you do if your band has slipped? HOw do you know? Please help!!!
My mom is 9 months post-op lap band and for the past two weeks she is not able to keep down anything, sliming even when she drinks a sip of water. She is constantly in the bathroom. I feel so bad because she is down from Oregon visiting me and she feels like crap! Her last fill was Nov. 15th and she was at 7 1/4 cc's. Has this happened to anyone else? What do you do if your band has slipped? HOw do you know? Please help!!!
She may not have had a slip, she may just be too full from the last fill. She needs go to her fill doc and get checked out and unfilled. Sometimes if there is a slip just letting all the fluid out for a few weeks and going on liquids will allow it to go back into place. Myself, I was just totally occluded and had not had a slip. I think my stomach may have migrated up under the band, then it would go back down, but it got so bad it just stayed swollen closed. I had to give it up, that does not mean your mom will. She does need to see her fill doc soon.