Complications still.( sorry very long)

Renee S.
on 5/12/08 4:21 am - PA
Hi, My name is Renee,I had Gastric Bypass Surgery August 25th 2004. One week later I was back in the Hospital having my Gallbladder out. April 2005 I devoloped an ulcer in my pouch by July 2005 I had a second ulcer in my pouch wich both perforated and I had to have an emergency  open gastroectomy.I now have no stomach everything goes straight to my intestines.I  also had to have several more surgeries for a small bowel obstruction and scar tissue and adhesions all open surgeries.I have never recovered can't work.I still have pain and and have to take phenergen every day.My labs have been horrible my HGB is 8 and my iron is 13 I'm also B12 deficient. My labs have been like this for over a year I have no energy .It is a chore just to get out of bed , washed, and dressed. All my DR's have been dragging their feet on my care.I had got so under weight 94 pounds. My Surgeon told me to eat what i could to gain.I did gain alittle to much but I cant lose now.Everything I eat goes through me very fast and somtimes comes back out undigested.I tried for three weeks eating high protein low carbs no junk and lots of water I didn't lose 1 pound.I've just been through a Ct scan,upper GI, endoscopy,  colonoscopy, and a D&C.Nobody can figure out whats wrong or why my blood count or iron is so low.I feel like I'm loosing this battle.I'm of no good to my family I can't even do simply house work anymore and I rarley can do anything with my family.I have an appointmet to see my Surgeon tomorrow.The nurse talked about some sort of revision because of everything moving through so fast and me never being full but I don't have a stomach what could I be revised to.I just don't know what to do .I'm miserable this is no way to live.I welcome any advice or comments.Thanks in advance for any replies

Renee S

Kimberly H.
on 5/12/08 10:58 am - West Columbia, SC
I would hazard a guess that your labs are so low due to how malabsorptive you are. I'm surprised this hasn't been presented as a possibility by any of your doctors. I can definitely emphathize with the lack of energy. My labs aren't quite as low are yours, but have created tons of issues. If you haven't got plans to, I would strongly recommend that you see a hematologist right away. I just had my first IV infusion of iron last week to help battle my anemia/iron deficiency; I have another one scheduled this week. I would think that would be something for you to look into since you'll have a hard time absorbing enough iron fast enough taken orally. You should also inquire about B-12 injections; these are quite simple. Hang in there.
Renee S.
on 5/12/08 11:17 am - PA

Thank you Kimberly,

Yes I'm going to see a Hemotologist next Monday about iron infusions and my Surgeon tomorrow and I had a B12 shot last week.They didn't say anything about getting anymore B12 though.I really can't understand what the Nurse meant by some type of revision as I have no stomach.You hang in there too.

Renee S

on 5/12/08 2:51 pm - Hazel Green, AL
i've also had massive complications since surgery.  Recently underwent my 4th surgery for repairs and revision, my 2nd blood transfusion, 2nd iron and platelets infusions and i get monthly B12 shots.  Try and find a specialist that deals with Gastric Bypass complications, there are several at the Cleveland Clinic. I cant imagine what they are referring to as far as a revision but they may be thinking more of a complete reversal if you have any remnant stomach left to reattach to.  Best of luck, keep us updated! heather
Gus H.
on 6/3/08 11:33 pm - La Puente, CA
Sorry you're having issues. How are you doing these days? What kind of complications are you having?
on 5/25/08 1:39 am - Uniontown, PA
Dear Rene:  My name is Patricia Patton We are from the same area. I am from Uniontown and can tell you I have had massive complications as well. I recently got out of Sewickley Hospital after another 8 day stay and my 7th surgery since my original gastric bypass on 4/23/2007. I have had revisions to both anastomosis, my gallbladder removed and numerous dilatations and 7 endoscopies. I am malnourished and dehydrated pretty much all the time now and that feeling of no energy is profound. I truly understand what you are going through. I feel my life ebbing away each day. My labs are always bad. I am so depressed now, because I grieve the life I had, I grieve the life I thought I would have by having the surgery and grieve the life that I now live with.Listen to the gal Heather. I am going to the Cleveland Clinic at my surgeon's request who has been nothing but, kind to me. A reversal is not an option on my part but, my surgeon wants me to consider it. I have a feeding tube in right now and get night time feedings to help buidl me back up. the desire for food is non existant and I fight to take any liquids or food in.But, I try I just pray it has been from all these surgeries that my body needs to recover...if you write me personally maybe we can exchange numbers and we can be supportive of one another. I visit Sewickley at least every other week to see the surgeon and perhaps we can meet or I can drop by and we can just be supportive of one another. It would be a great help to have someone to talk to who understands these crazy complications that were not suppose to happen....Patricia Patton
on 12/2/14 9:15 am

I understand

on 12/2/14 9:11 am

I had bilo pancreatic diversion with duodenum swith the doctor also did other things 1-2-03.  Many of his patients died he committed suicide rathet than face morr wrongful feath law suits.  I have had 8 reconstructive surgeries,  icu,  blood transfusion. I have pernicious anemia Now my teeth are crumbling. What fo I do now.

on 7/1/08 2:48 pm - Kennewick, WA

Hi, My name is Patty and I just found this site. It is wonerful there is a place that other people can really understand what you are going through. I had my wls in 1995. My dr did a modified roux n-y with j hook up. I have had many complications. He bypassed my entire stomach (found out from a gastroscopy test )with no pouch left.After all these years I still have the dumping syndrome. I have gone through severe hypoglycemic swings, pernicious anemia and do weekly b12 im injections. I have a low ferritin level. It went down to 4. Ihave had 4 rounds of infusions with 4-8 infusions per round.I have also had two packed red cell infusions due to severe anemia. My vitamin d is nonexistent and my teeth have been crumbling. I have raynauds now and cannot even get near a freezer. I use to scuba dive but last year i tried snorkling in the warm waters in cancun and my hands turned purple. My thyroid is low. But, the worst is my immune system has gone wacko. I have developed a severe allergy to nuts and cannot even be in the same room as someone with nuts. I have to carry several epi-pens with me at all times and have made many trips to the ER. I lost from 296 (post twin baby weight could not get down) to my lowest was 125. I am six feet tall and currently weigh 145. The iron infusions are the one thing that has helped me with energy. There are months that all I want to do after work is come home and do absolutely nothing. I spend many weekends laying in bed because of no energy.I am currently going through a set of 4 infusions. I had my second yesterday and i feel so much better I was up at 4am fixed several things around the house I had let go. I went out bought many flowers. I got my deck ready for summer putting up the table and chairs and swing, planting flower pots all over and made it look inviting all before I went to work at 11:00. Afterwork, I stopped and got more flowers and food to do a barbque. We had a wonderful evening. The first in a long time. Anyway ask your hematologist about your ferritin level. If you do need an infusion, I hope it makes you feel like I do today.

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