Complications still.( sorry very long)
Renee S
Thank you Kimberly,
Yes I'm going to see a Hemotologist next Monday about iron infusions and my Surgeon tomorrow and I had a B12 shot last week.They didn't say anything about getting anymore B12 though.I really can't understand what the Nurse meant by some type of revision as I have no stomach.You hang in there too.
Renee S
I had bilo pancreatic diversion with duodenum swith the doctor also did other things 1-2-03. Many of his patients died he committed suicide rathet than face morr wrongful feath law suits. I have had 8 reconstructive surgeries, icu, blood transfusion. I have pernicious anemia Now my teeth are crumbling. What fo I do now.
Hi, My name is Patty and I just found this site. It is wonerful there is a place that other people can really understand what you are going through. I had my wls in 1995. My dr did a modified roux n-y with j hook up. I have had many complications. He bypassed my entire stomach (found out from a gastroscopy test )with no pouch left.After all these years I still have the dumping syndrome. I have gone through severe hypoglycemic swings, pernicious anemia and do weekly b12 im injections. I have a low ferritin level. It went down to 4. Ihave had 4 rounds of infusions with 4-8 infusions per round.I have also had two packed red cell infusions due to severe anemia. My vitamin d is nonexistent and my teeth have been crumbling. I have raynauds now and cannot even get near a freezer. I use to scuba dive but last year i tried snorkling in the warm waters in cancun and my hands turned purple. My thyroid is low. But, the worst is my immune system has gone wacko. I have developed a severe allergy to nuts and cannot even be in the same room as someone with nuts. I have to carry several epi-pens with me at all times and have made many trips to the ER. I lost from 296 (post twin baby weight could not get down) to my lowest was 125. I am six feet tall and currently weigh 145. The iron infusions are the one thing that has helped me with energy. There are months that all I want to do after work is come home and do absolutely nothing. I spend many weekends laying in bed because of no energy.I am currently going through a set of 4 infusions. I had my second yesterday and i feel so much better I was up at 4am fixed several things around the house I had let go. I went out bought many flowers. I got my deck ready for summer putting up the table and chairs and swing, planting flower pots all over and made it look inviting all before I went to work at 11:00. Afterwork, I stopped and got more flowers and food to do a barbque. We had a wonderful evening. The first in a long time. Anyway ask your hematologist about your ferritin level. If you do need an infusion, I hope it makes you feel like I do today.