possible internal hernia?
I have been through a similiar experience. I had my RNY on 4/27/10 and started feeling sick and vomiting on 7/20/10. I ended up in the ER with excrutiating pain and vomiting until I was vomiting pure blood. Of course the ER docs did not have a clue what to do (went through hours of tests while in the worst pain I have felt in my life). Thank god the general surgeon and her colleague consulted each other and decided to air lift me by helicopter to my surgeon 4 hours away (1 hour by helicoptor). They concluded that they did not have the expertise in RNY and after talking with my surgeon made the right decision. I came really close to losing part of my intestines due to strangulation. My surgeon performed a lap repair at 5 am on 7/21/10 and I am at home now and doing pretty good. I hate that I have to start a new recovery but I am glad to be alive. My advice is always go back to your surgeon and do not procrastinate as these hernias can strangulate and be life threatening.
Yes the one thing I regret was going through it for a year not wanting to have another surgery on the off chance they would find nothing......I had anohter eposode about a week after surgery just when I thought things were great and it was the worst yet. I was so frustrated. But surgeon felt it was just a kink in the area that had been trapped so long. He said it was swollen right there so I gave it more time and now all is well. I just did not want to go through it all again. But yes I would say to anyone go to your surgeon whenever possible. But the one possitive since I was on liquids for so long I got back on track (I had started eating comfort foods due to all the pain issues) so no pain and I am losing weight again LOL
Yes the one thing I regret was going through it for a year not wanting to have another surgery on the off chance they would find nothing......I had anohter eposode about a week after surgery just when I thought things were great and it was the worst yet. I was so frustrated. But surgeon felt it was just a kink in the area that had been trapped so long. He said it was swollen right there so I gave it more time and now all is well. I just did not want to go through it all again. But yes I would say to anyone go to your surgeon whenever possible. But the one possitive since I was on liquids for so long I got back on track (I had started eating comfort foods due to all the pain issues) so no pain and I am losing weight again LOL
Joe, I'm curious about how your situation resolved. You described my case in detail! I ended up having surgery to repair the internal hernia, but complications from that surgery created a small bowel obstruction (more surgery). I'm about 10 years out from my original open roux-en y and about four years after the last surgery. It all seems to be starting again. Months of nausea, pain after eating. I've had two normal CT scans with contrast and today had a small bowel follow thru. They didn't see the problem either. I need to get back to work and am scared to death of becoming dependent on pain pills. Anyone know of any other methods to cancel out the pain?
Had my gastric bypass in Sept 07. Gone from 325 to 140 pounds with no difficulties (at least abdominal ones, I did have pulmonary emboli immediately after the surgery****il this Aug '10 when I suddenly had acute abdominal pains. Emergency room visit to local ER confirmed a volvulus (internal hernia of my small intestine with twisting and strangulation with adhesions). They wouldn't touch it at the local ER and they ambulanced me to MGH (Mass General) where I had my WLS for emergency surgery. Seven weeks out from that surgery now (open exploratory, not laparoscopic, which left a nice BIG scar) and struggling with recovery but doing basically OK. Luckily no necrosis of the tissue so no removal of any of my small intestines. They were able to simply put everything back into place without removing anything or ostomies or anything. The whole experience left me pretty shaken though. I thought that I was free and clear of complications, being three years out, only to have this come out of the blue and knock me for a loop.
From what I've researched, volvuli of the small intestines are pretty rare, which explains why the hospital I went to (which DOES do bariatric surgery) wouldn't touch it and sent me to world-class-level MGH for treatment. Has anyone else experienced this?
It sounds like some other folks on here have had internal hernias, but not volvuli, which is life-threatening if not treated within about a day or so. From what I've been able to find in research, it's rare, mostly found in neonates, and in cases of adults, "incompatible with life" is how they put it, which tells me how lucky I am to live in Boston!!!
Anyone else been through this???
From what I've researched, volvuli of the small intestines are pretty rare, which explains why the hospital I went to (which DOES do bariatric surgery) wouldn't touch it and sent me to world-class-level MGH for treatment. Has anyone else experienced this?
It sounds like some other folks on here have had internal hernias, but not volvuli, which is life-threatening if not treated within about a day or so. From what I've been able to find in research, it's rare, mostly found in neonates, and in cases of adults, "incompatible with life" is how they put it, which tells me how lucky I am to live in Boston!!!
Anyone else been through this???
Familiar? Oh yeah, here's my story:
http://www.dailystrength.org/c/Gastric_Bypass_Surgery/forum/ 11656653-internal-hernia
http://www.dailystrength.org/c/Gastric_Bypass_Surgery/forum/ 11656653-internal-hernia
I had the RNY laparoscopic bypass in 2009. I started experiencing the same type of pain in 12/2010. My physician decided to do an exploratory laparoscopy on me to determine what was causing my left flank, and middle back pain. I had already had the GI series done, the Endoscopy was negative, the CT scan was also negative, but the excruciating pain could not be ignored. The result of the surgery was a large internal hernia in the mesentary of my intestines. This area has many nerve endings which is why the pain was so bad. After surgery I had immediate relief, the surgeon repaired the tear and I was released within 2 days. No more problems until a year later where I presented with the same symptoms. I had another exploratory lap done with the same results. The hernia was repaired and I returned to normal. My surgeons are not quite sure why I keep having the tears but it keeps on happening. I am presently experiencing the same pain now, I hope its not a repeat but it appears to be.
My symptoms are nausea, inability to get food down, crampy, colicky pain in flank and middle back area. I also have shortness is breath when inhaling (it feels like I have a tight belt around my waist). I am being re-evaluated by my surgeon. Wish me luck 3 times would not be a charm.
I had the RNY laparoscopic bypass in 2009. I started experiencing the same type of pain in 12/2010. My physician decided to do an exploratory laparoscopy on me to determine what was causing my left flank, and middle back pain. I had already had the GI series done, the Endoscopy was negative, the CT scan was also negative, but the excruciating pain could not be ignored. The result of the surgery was a large internal hernia in the mesentary of my intestines. This area has many nerve endings which is why the pain was so bad. After surgery I had immediate relief, the surgeon repaired the tear and I was released within 2 days. No more problems until a year later where I presented with the same symptoms. I had another exploratory lap done with the same results. The hernia was repaired and I returned to normal. My surgeons are not quite sure why I keep having the tears but it keeps on happening. I am presently experiencing the same pain now, I hope its not a repeat but it appears to be.
My symptoms are nausea, inability to get food down, crampy, colicky pain in flank and middle back area. I also have shortness is breath when inhaling (it feels like I have a tight belt around my waist). I am being re-evaluated by my surgeon. Wish me luck 3 times would not be a charm.
im currently going through the same symptoms......i had surgery when i was two days old on my bowels.....ive experienced stomach pain, back pain, bloating, bouts of diarrahea and constipation, nausea and vomiting all throughout my life.....i was dianosed with irritable bowel syndrome and spastic colon.....i also have problems with ulcers and kidney stones.....i recently had a EGD and kidney stone removing done.....they put clips on my ulcers....and put me on protonix and carafate with zofran......i just had a UGI done and got the results back that i have a bowel obstruction or internal hernia or maybe both,...they are talking about doing surgery on me to repair them.....its the same surgery i had when i was two days old......i have no clue what to expect or how they do the surgery....do they open your stomach up or use a scope to go down your throat like they did for my ulcers......i am scheduled to have another ct scan done friday to make sure what it is.....please feel free to leave me comments or messages letting me know what i should expect.....they also said it maybe the reason why i dont gain weight.....im 26 years old and i have three set one is a set of twins and i weigh 94.5lbs....the only time ive gained over a hundred was when i was pregnant or from all the fluids they give me when i go to the hospital.....also diagnosed me with celiac disease....
pamie sue