went to 2 docotrs last week
One said acid reflux and gave me more reflux meds..........(ones I have already tried) and one gave me xanex..........guess he just wants me for not remember any of this crap going on...
and both told me to come back in a month...............unless I need them............WHAT A JOKE........... STILL IN LIMBOW OR LIMBO DON'T KNOW. RIGHT NOW DON'T CARE. NOT A GOOD MORNING.DON'T FEEL LIKE EVEN SITTING UP AND I AM AT WORK................ WHAT NEXT ?????? GOD BLESS ALL AMY
sorry to hear this, i to went to 2 docs last week and i was gave 2 new meds,reglan and zenegrid and another for reflux,so im on 4 reflux pills,i cant eat at all,i do liquids all day,i just cant wait till i get to eat again.....my wl doc ran me off lol,he always says Vickie whats wrong this time he never ask how im doing,i just take this one day at a time........you take care of yourself and your in my prayers
I really understand all you guys are going threw. I was put through tons of test & drugs all for nothing. They found nothing but yet I throw up most days & I have lost 160 pounds. I was so weak I couldn't even do the dishes. I still can't stand to cook a meal with out getting the chills, feeling faint & being very nauseated. I am on reflux meds & antinausea meds & time has helped but I am almost 2yrs post op this should not be happening.
Now that the weighy=t is coming back on they want to take the antinausea pills away. I think their NUTS! I can say it has never been easy, I have had troubles from the start.
Now I suffer with kidneystones, I have had 5 sets of stones.
I never had them before in my 42 yrs of life. I tease my kids that i have more skin than bone but to be honest if they took that skin off I'd lose too much weight. I don't want plastic surgery I just want to be able to do the things I did before the surgery. And I want to eat!!!!
this board is very helpful to me knowing I am not the only one having problems. That sounds so selfish....
hang in there

Hey Penny, It's me LeAnn. I have a feeding tube in my intestine and take reglin for what i now know is gastroparesis. I feel almost normal and am getting stronger everyday. I feel almost normal. I really wish you would ttry to contact Dr Goodman. A c harity flew me to NYC. I was at Beth Israel for 10 days. They will even fly a companion for you. If you decide to do it just have your companion take a cot so they will be comfortable in the patient lounge. I know he could help you. You have my email and phone number. I probably would have died if i hadn't gone. The man is a miracle worker and he will be in my heart forever. Just give it serious consideration. I want you to get well and i know you can. i did!! love, LeAnn.