Problems with DS???
I am only pre-op but have found that you can get a lot of information if you go to the message boards for those type of surgeries.
Hope this link works..
that will take you to the DS board. Hope this helps you.
Hi Alanna, I'm new to this board. Reading the posting I noticed your questioning about the DS.
My surgery was on 10/13/06, surgery went well, very little pain, it was done lap.
I was having trouble eating & getting my liquids in, my fault no one elses, but I did notice if I took one bite more than I should I was getting this tight feeling that went around my body just below the breast bone, causing my tummy to spasm, pain straight to the middle of my back and frothing, then would throw up.
My Dr. decide to do and Endo and discovered I had a stricture, he just put a ballon down & inflated to strech so the food and liquids would flow through easier.
I have been fine since, although the Dr mentioned usually another stricture will follow in time.