Couldnt sleep with the CPAP....
I had to go lastnight to have the CPAP test and I slept about an hour with it on and couldnt stand it any longer. I was wondering if this has happend to anyone and what will they do now about my surgery and not being able to wear it? Thanks all, this is my favorite site on the web and I really enjoy reading everyones stories , it helps so much to have friends like you all.
You just have to keep trying - you will get use to it. One nite does not justify giving up on it. You will feel so much better once you learn to wear it.
There are different types of masks - have you tried different ones? How about the one that just fits in your nostrils? That is my next choice.
How about taking 'Simply Sleep' pill to make you a little more tired so maybe you will be able to sleep thru some of the annoyances of the CPAP mask?
Keep trying. You will get it. Some folks take longer than other to adjust. Me I loved it right from the hospital sleep study. My attitude was finally I could breath and I liked breathing
Dana P

My Sleep study people told me not to take any sleep aids before the test. Since you didn't finish the study...did they tell you you have sleep apnea, because if you don't have sleep apnea there is no problem....
I used a CPAP mask that only covered my nostrils, but I still woke up every morning without it on...Even when I did use a sleep aid. I have always had trouble with sleep, so I take Bendryl, the allergy medicine.
If you do have sleep apnea, they want you to use the CPAP, especially after surgery, because of concerns for anesthia complications...Five months post op and I never used it again...Because as soon as I lost weight around my chest and neck, I stopped having apnea espisodes...
You'll likely have to reschedule you sleep test before you have wls. We were allowed to take sleeping pills before our study, and we were allowed to bring alcohol or food and drinks to our study too. Basically, they wanted the test to represent what would be normal in our lives.
Talk to your surgeon to see what he or she says. It is common to have problems sleeping with the mask on initially. You do get fairly used to it ... And you will feel much better when you use it! It will help you heal better after wls too.