Severe Circulation Problem!!
I am 26 mo. post-op & have went from 289 lbs. to 125 lbs. I have not had any complications until December 2005..My feet started swelling & eventually my hands.
In the middle of January I flew to Georgia & the next morning when I woke up both of my big toe's hurt like crazy. When I looked at them I noticed both of my toenails were black & blue..I lost both toenails shortly after.. I had went to my Dr. repeatedly through this & he would check my Vitamin levels (they always came back normal) & he could not understand why this was happening, so he would just keep adding Vitamins to my daily intake & now I am taking 24 Vitamins a day. About 1 1/2 months ago my feet pretty much stopped swelling ****assionally still do) but my hands have never stopped..Now my big issue is that when the swelling in my feet stopped, I started to notice when I would stand up that my feet were starting to first it was a little bit, now they turn such a dark purple that they are almost black..right after this started my hands (from the wrist to my fingertips) would start to feel very tight, turn bright red & the veins would start to severely pop out, it has now started in my feet. I went to my Dr. & I had him check my Iron level, my Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar & do another Vitamin count & a series of Thyroid tests...Everything came back normal. So 2 weeks ago I had a Vascular Doppler from my belly button down to my toes, The test came back completly normal...Since I have talked with my Dr. & he does not know what to do, He just insists that it must have something to do with my WLS...I dont see how it could be, but I am looking for any information that anyone might have...I am so frustrated, I do not want to have to live with this, It is painful just to walk most days...Any help I would appreciate so very much....Rose
So sorry to hear about your strange symptoms. I agree with you, I do not think that this is related to your WLS. I know of someone with similar syptoms that was eventually diagnosised with severe Rhuematoid Arthritis. Are you seeing a Internist? Who is saying they think it is related to you WLS, your surgeon, family Dr. etc? I think your need to see a Rhuematologist and or maybe a vascular specialist.
If you are just seeing a General Practitioner I would get to at least and internist and if they can't help you get a referral to the specialist already mentioned.
Good luck to you!
God Bless,
I actually saw 2 Cardiovascular Specialists today & what they told me is that yes, I have physical symptoms, but that there is nothing physically wrong with me...I was diagnosed quite a few years ago with Anxiety Disorder, so I tend to have a faster heart rate..They said that that is basically why I am having these symptoms..They told me that I have a "Mechanical Problem" not a "Physical Problem" & without the appearance of any other symptoms I am in no danger..& that there is nothing to be done about it..The recommendation was to wear knee-high support hose..So I dont know...Thanx to everyone for their concern & support..It has meant alot to me