My surgery was 6 weeks ago. I keep experiencing a problem with swallowing liquids, that instantly TURN INTO FINE FOAM IN MY STOMACH POUCH. I have times when some comes up, but even if it doesn't, I cannot continue to take in liquids when the foam is present - everything just backs up. This can happen even with jus****er, hours after eating or taking any medication. It can also last for many hours, sometimes making it hard to stay hydrated.
My stomach could not possibly churn a bit of swallowed air into that fine a foam in just moments - it seems like a chemistry issue. I made my doctor is aware of the problem but I got no recommendations to manage it. I would like to know about others experiences with foam and managing intake around this problem.
The foamies are a very naturally occurring thing. Ok, natural, considering your stomach has been altered
Your stomach is broken up into three basic sections. At the top you have cells that produce a LOT of mucus and small amounts of acids. At the bottom you have the reverse. Normally the mucus that is produced when you eat, oozes down into the more acid-producing layers of your stomach. However, now that you have that area stapled/stitched off, the mucus cannot ooze down, but is still produced to aid digestion. In the beginning while your body is 'relearning' digestion with the new plumbing arrangement, the mucus can build up, coming back up the esophagus wall. Later on that usually only happens if something aggravates your pouch causing it to produce more mucus. So, if you eat something harsh (and 'harsh' will depend on YOUR pouch - if it accepts something as harsh or not) or something gets stuck in the stoma, then you produce excessive amounts of mucus and have the 'foamies'.
Early out, I found eating and/or drinking hotter foods and beverages in the morning helped considerably to wash away a lot of the mucus that builds up over-night. Also I usually had a cup of hot tea before a meal to clear away mucus so I could eat without back up foamies. Later on, I just accepted that it happened sometimes - and was more careful with those foods that I found brought it on. Nowadays, I rarely get a case of the foamies, and usually it's because I've overeaten or something's wedged in the stoma - and the foaming stops once the food passes or comes back up. Thank goodness it's a very rare occurrence for me....but I've heard of some who always have to be watchful of that.
I have had little trouble with beef and lots with chicken. Others have the reverse. Some have issues with spicy foods and others - the reverse. It's gonna depend on your guts.
HTH, Toots

Thank you for your response!!! Finally something makes sense. Not to be too gross, but separate from the foam thing, I have brought up enormous amounts of thick mucus after eating something that is irritating. I had to change some medications and vitamins because they had this effect. I did notice that tea or warm things could be soothing, but based on your info, I will now use temperature more planfully. Food coming back up is a very common, every day experience now, and I'm concerned that I've got a pretty poor pattern going.
I wonder what it took for you to gain this kind of information. I'd like to tap your knowledge for another question. Since I have "sludge" in my gall bladder and it has been sore, it is being removed this Friday. Do you have any words of wisdom about any adaptations necessary for this change?
THANKS!!! Karen
What it took to gain this information? Years being postop, reading these boards the last 5 years+ and lots of researching
It's been time consuming...and sometimes boring lol.
As to your gall bladder - I had mine removed when they did the RNY as a preventative measure against another surgery a year or so down the road. Statistically a bypass patients gall bladder will go bad within about a year of WLS. I'm not sure exactly why, but it happens. So had mine pulled. I've noticed no difference in how I handle foods and such - but then most eat low-fat postop anyway, and that's the biggest difference in gall bladder removal. How we handle fatty diets.
Have you had any problems with foods feeling stuck? Or being unable to swallow soft foods and such? I'm wondering if you might have a stricture....maybe your doc will check for one when they take the GB. You might ask about that....just a thought.
(((HUGS))) and good luck!