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on 1/27/14 4:36 am - Plainfield, IL
VSG on 11/18/13
Topic: RE: I need all the prayer warriors!

Hi, just discovered this page for believers.  I am the same age and I know the Lord, Jesus Christ.  You are my sister in Him who has the victory over fear and lack!  Just the knowledge of who we are and the Love God has for us takes us through the worst of times.  TRUST GOD!  Put your trust in Him for He is always there just as He said.  I declare the enemy can no longer tresspass over your mind and your thinking and that you bring every thought in line with the knowledge of Christ.  Pulling down every stronghold that would try to exault itself over who you know you are and who you belong to in Jesus' Mighty Name!

Be well! 

on 1/10/14 8:38 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: Lets roll!

Ok I'm back to checking here almost daily so if anyone needs anything feel free to post. I lost alot of stuff during the change over and this was one of them. I know you are out there because I see "views" posted so come on down!

on 10/12/13 4:21 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: I need all the prayer warriors!

I have COPD and was doing o****il April when I got pneumonia and since then I have had to be on oxygen 24/7. Before that I only used it at night. According to a recent CT scan they have gotten considerably worse and my pulmonary doc doesn't understand why. I quit smoking 14 years ago so they shouldn't be getting worse like this and I am getting scared. Mortality is scary to face even as a Christian, I fully expected to live as long as my parents who both lived to 80. To add to the fear my hubby who is awesome also has to take care of his 93 yr. old mom, goes to her house (10 miles away) 2x a day to feed her and get her ready for bed. So that leaves me here alone for several hours a day and I don't like that, again I get scared. I try reading scripture and watching the Christian tv channels but what I want is him here in case I have problems.

I guess I'm just needing to vent and know I have prayers from all my friends IRL and internet. I'm 62 and not wanting a long and suffering death and I'm scared. Don't have many in real life friends because I've been away from everyone for so long with my lung disease. Thanks for any and all input!

on 10/12/13 4:10 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: I'm Back

Glad to see you back! I stop in everyday to see if anyone has posted but as you can see, nope. I've been having so much trouble with my lungs that I'm not up to much at all anymore.

Patricia R.
on 10/8/13 12:06 pm, edited 10/8/13 12:09 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: I'm Back

Almost two months ago, my computer died.  My son couldn't fix it, so I had to wait till I could afford to replace it.  While I have an iPhone, my ability to access Obesity Help was practically nonexistant.

Looks like nobody has posted since the middle of August. I hope we can revive this place.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/16/13 6:12 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: I'm back

(((HUGS))) So sorry you are still suffering. GB pain is horrid and relentless, I remember it well. Here's praying it will subside and stay gone till your surgery!

Patricia R.
on 8/15/13 9:24 am - Perry, MI
Topic: I'm back

Hi Everyone,

I'm sorry to bother all of you, and I hate to complain because God is so good to me.  I need a lot of prayer this week. I've been having the worst gall bladder attack I've ever had, for the past four hours.  The pain is intense and constant, and the nausea is also intense, even though I've taken my Zofran.  Ironically, today was the original day I was scheduled for the surgery, but my daughter couldn't drive me.  

I'm heading to her house to watch the kids for a while, so she can go running.  She's training for a half-marathon she plans to run with my son.  He's run four so far, and I've seen him in three of them.  This will be her first.  A half marathon is 13 miles.  I've never been able to run more than one city block, so I'm grateful to see two of my grown children involved in regular, intense exercise.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 8/15/13 7:15 am - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: A Bizarre Praise

Hey Karen,

I'm smiling along with you, at the end of your post.  Who knew in 2011 that I would start 2012 with a horrific fall that would require leg surgery, nose/sinus surgery, to be followed with arm surgery to remove four benign cysts in both arms, only to end the year with a broken foot, requiring surgery to put in a couple screws.  Then, I had multiple visits to the dentist, as well as multiple cortisone shots in my back, as well as other procedures there, all requiring Lovenox.  I was often able to schedule the back stuff on the same days as the dental work.  This year, after I moved here, I was able to schedule a shot in my back on the same day as my endoscopy.  That's when I had to pay $600 for one box of Lovenox.

I smiled because years ago I accepted my health situation, and that was when I applied for Social Security Disability.  Amazingly, I did not need a lawyer, or to apply more than once, before I learned I was eligible.  Also, even though the Social Security agent told me it would take four to five months to process my application, I got my approval in three months.

Sorry to babble.  I'm having a horrific gall bladder attack right now, something that doesn't happen all the time, but when I have them I am miserable.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/15/13 6:37 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: A Bizarre Praise

Well God certainly answered that prayer abundantly! Hang on to it tho you may need it down the road. My pharmacist said it lasts long past the expiration date so you may need it yet. Maybe God has more surgery planned for you. mail

Patricia R.
on 8/14/13 6:50 am - Perry, MI
Topic: A Bizarre Praise

I recently posted a praise about being eligible for generic Lovenox for free from the company.  Well, I received my prescription last week, and the pharmacy sent me 9 boxes of 10 injections.  I normally need one box.  I am set for back procedures and dental work, as well as who know what will come up next.  I thought about calling my doctor and the company, but realized that sending it back would be a huge headache.

God works in mysterious ways.

In the meantime, I'm so grateful for a surgery date.  I've been on Zofran, for nausea, for weeks now.  I've also experienced the most horrific constipation, and now take a stool softener with a laxative daily.  I've never been so sick.  I also have severe pain in my right shoulder blade, and have had it for over a year.  That is also a symptom of gall bladder disease.  

I appreciate all the prayers.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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