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on 4/20/14 2:26 pm - AL
VSG on 03/13/14
Topic: Saw Heaven is for real today

I went with my parents.  My daughter was at her Dad's -every other weekend visits, & my husband was working.  My husband bought the book and shared it with all of us his family & mine I can't begin to tell you how many lives were impacted just by reading the book.  I believe in heaven & sadly that makes my belief in hell, well I believe in heaven so I also believe in hell...what this movie is about the message of a little boys experiences can so greatly affect many many lives for the better.  My own precious Dad had a near death experience & spoke very strongly about it for a while.  Because of things my Dad told me I'm no longer afraid of death, death is not death it is a moving on to a new more beautiful beginning.  Anyway sadly as time went by when my Dad would try to talk to others about his story people would just shut him down in rude ways so now he only talks to us about it on occasion.  When my father saw his parents in Heaven they were young & restored & no longer had to wear glasses...these things were mentioned in the movie today.  If the innocence of a child can see Jesus and family waiting on us shouldn't that bring so much comfort to so many people?  I does me, having my Dad still on this earth when all the Docs said "call the family in this is the last night" Gods Grace, Faith & Prayer my Dad is still here...he's not finished yet.  When he does go to Heaven I know he won't be alone, his family is waiting, and someday when we all pass we won't be alone...we will all be comforted by lost loves and amazing & never-ending beautiful love & peace.  God Bless the believers who truly know that God would choose a child to try to change the hearts of many.  God Bless you all on this Resurrection Sunday.  God Bless the Burpo family.


With God ALL things are possible! VSG 3/13/14 Dr. John Mathews


on 4/20/14 1:57 pm - AL
VSG on 03/13/14
Topic: RE: Prayer Request

Precious as I'm remembering you in my daily prayers I will pray for David & Judy & their family as well.  Sisters in Christ & yes you're still in my thoughts & prayers.


With God ALL things are possible! VSG 3/13/14 Dr. John Mathews


on 4/9/14 4:58 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Oh My Goodness!

Welcome and as you can see it's a rather slow forum and I think one of the reasons is that it isn't anywhere you can just click on. Heck I still have to click on my siggy to get here! I do stop in once a day anyway to see if anyone has posted.

For awhile it used to be pretty active and I still see lots of hits on some posts just few responses. I tried to get things rolling a couple of times but just ended up talking to myself so finally gave up on it. I'd love to see more action here so we could support each other but I just can't figure out how to get folks here and active.

on 4/8/14 6:46 am
RNY on 11/20/13
Topic: RE: Prayer Request

Done. I hope that David is improving!

Pam (RNY: 11/20/2013)

on 4/8/14 6:43 am
RNY on 11/20/13
Topic: RE: Oh My Goodness!

Since this doesn't seem to be a private group - why doesn't it show up on the "All Forums" list?

Pam (RNY: 11/20/2013)

on 4/8/14 6:42 am
RNY on 11/20/13
Topic: Oh My Goodness!

I just wanted to post and say it is awesome to see this group! I didn't even know it existed and I was really starting to feel outnumbered out on the main boards!

Thanks to "HisLady" for including the link to this group in your sig!

Pam (RNY: 11/20/2013)

on 2/25/14 4:07 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: husband doesn't want me to have surgery

The way I look at it the surgery is to treat an illness (obesity) and would he tell you not to have surgery for cancer or a wonky gall bladder? If it were for vanity reasons and just because you want to look great I'd say rethink your reasons but it sounds like it is purely for health concerns.

If you are concerened about the Biblical issues of say disobeying your husband I would say speak with your Pastor because I'm not well versed enough in those areas. However if it because he is afraid for your safety or because he is afraid you will leave him when you get skinny (both common with husbands for some reason) then he needs to look at his fears and deal with them because they are not well founded.

I would never tell someone to totally go against their husbands wishes but I also see no reason to give up on something that will better your chances for a long and healthy life. See if he will verbalize what he doesn't like about the idea and maybe see if he will got to the surgeon with you to address his questions and fears.

Of course pray on the whole subject and listen for what God is telling you both, take time to address hubby's concerns and let him know you value his concern so maybe just taking the time to acknowledge his fears will put them to rest. Best of luck and God bless!

on 2/23/14 6:35 am
Topic: husband doesn't want me to have surgery

i am scheduled for gastric sleeve on april eighth. however, my husband is concerned about it. i want to do the right thing and dont want to go against him. any insights would be appreciated. sorry for the bad punctuation but i couldnt get caps or appos. to work.

on 2/20/14 7:12 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Prayer Request

Done, this forum seems pretty dead so you may want to post other places too. God bless!

(deactivated member)
on 2/20/14 3:10 am - Canada
Topic: Prayer Request

For David Cooper and his wife Judy and family. I met David when I was in the hospital and he prayed with me when I hit a really low point (I spent 2 months in hospital with complications). God put me in the same room as him when he knew I needed the support and reminder that I am never alone. Because of this I got to know David and his wife Judy and have kept in contact with them.

David has been diagnosed with cancer, a staph infection that has reached his heart and other issues. He is out of ICU but still has a long battle ahead. Please pray for this family for complete healing so we can raise our collective voices to God.

And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. ~ James 5:15

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