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Patricia R.
on 1/9/12 11:21 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: So how is your new year?
 Thank you for thinking of me when you posted this.  I was discharged from the hospital yesterday evening, and am still getting care through visiting nurses and, hopefully, visiting physical therapists.  I still experience horrific pain, and while their is improvement in how my leg looks, it still looks pretty bad.

While I may have started the new year off physically injured, my outlook and attitude are pretty positive.  One of my goals for 2012 is to remain positive and see the Lord's goodness in everything that happens in my life.  I saw so much goodness while in the hospital.  God is at work.

My recuperation will be slow, as I am on Coumadin and have very bad circulation in my legs.  So, pray for me to be patient with my body.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 1/9/12 10:46 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: Praise and Prayer Request
 I want to praise the Lord for the wonderful medical care I received while in the hospital the past six days.  I went to the ER and was admitted late on the 3rd of January, and was discharged yesterday afternoon, the 9th.  

I really banged up my leg in a fall on the 30th, and because of being on Coumadin and having lousy circulation in my legs, I developed some huge and painful hematomas, and a bad case of Cellulitus.  I have black and blue marks all over the leg as well.  At first the ER tried to drain the hematoma on the 2nd, but I had to go back the next day and they admitted me.  

My healing will be slow, because of the previously mentioned complications, but the doctors were pleased with the progress they saw prior to my discharge.

Please pray that I continue to heal, and that I get full use of the leg, and become pain free from the injuries.  Also, please pray that I continue an attitude of gratitude.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 1/9/12 10:28 am
Topic: RE: Who here has done lap band??
Thanks.... I've heard mixed reviews over there.  I have two friends who have had it done.  One has had hers 2 or 3 years and no complaints... The other just got hers a few weeks ago and loves it so far.  

I've just in the last years developed a few health issues that really need to be taken care of and losing weight is the best way to do that.  And since diet and exercise alone has not worked for me for the last 8 years, I have got to do something.  The health issues keep multiplying and getting worse... Something's got to give for sure. 

I have heard of the sleeve.  It's a bit more drastic than I'd like to do... but does seem good.  But a little leary because it's kind of new... and alot of insurers don't cover it.  But it does sound like it works GREAT!  Just wish there were more longterm results to observe.  So then that leaves bypass which is covered... but even more drastic.  But I really have to do something. 

I keep hearing about the band working for 'volume eaters'... What is a volume eater?  And how do you know what type of eater you are?  I think I may be what they call a binge eater... but not sure.  Is there a test I can take to find out what kind of eater I am??

Thanks for you two cents... =) 



on 1/9/12 10:05 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Who here has done lap band??
Welcome! I'm usually on more often but have had the blahs since the first of the year, but welcome anyhoo. Yes I got the band over 4 years ago and quite honestly I would not recommend it to anyone. It is not nearly as safe as it is touted by the manufacturers. It works for a very few mostly those who are volume eaters  but for the most part you are lucky to lose 30-40% of your weight. My surgeon doesn't even like to do them anymore unless the patient insists because there is such a high failure rate with them. Many of us never get a feeling of restriction or fullness like the promoters say. I'm personally waiting until I can revise to a gastric sleeve. It is more drastic as they remove part of your stomach but it works far better than the band. The band also builds up scar tissue that can cause serious problems and removal of the band. The first year usually goes pretty OK but after 2-3 yrs. it starts to fall apart with slips, erosions and tightness. So that's my 2 cents worth, you might want to go over to the lap band forum and see what others say.
on 1/9/12 5:16 am
Topic: Who here has done lap band??
Hi there!  I'm pretty new around here, but I am glad to see their is a Christianity Forum!  So has anyone here had the lapband procedure done? 
on 1/6/12 10:03 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: So how is your new year?
So how is the new year treating everyone? I know our sister Trish has started on the wrong foot with a fall and being in the hospital so be sure to pray for her recovery. Me I'm still laying around in bed and bored out of my mind, even crafts are getting old. Only a week and a half tho till I get the pins out of my toes and then I can get around again. So share how are you doing?

God bless!
on 1/5/12 10:21 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: We made it through
I think your feelings are very normal and we all go thru them to some degree. We all question right up till the time we are put under, am I doing the right thing. I have had to re-evaluate my thoughts since my lap band didn't work for me. I've decided I'm not going to worry about weight as much as just healthy eating and if I'm ever able to revise then I'll have to look at it all again. However I'm 61 yrs old so my kids are grown and best case I've probably got only 20-30 years left here on this old earth so I would really have to consider all that. I think you will be glad you went thru with it but we all try to second guess ourselves!
on 1/5/12 10:15 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Need More Prayer
Oh my goodness! You take care of yourself now and get out of that hospital that's no way to start the year. Prayers continue!
on 1/4/12 12:03 pm - TN
Topic: We made it through
The holidays have come and gone and as I approach getting my surgery date I cant help but have complex feelings. Is being thin over rated and why am i doing this again also is it better to be big and happy than thin and stressed. My childern are my biggest reason anything i can do to add to my days to be with them I am all for it. I thank God for giving me the gift of being a mother.
Patricia R.
on 1/4/12 11:06 am - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Need More Prayer
 I was admitted to the hospital during the night. I have cellulitis and excruciating pain. Keep the prayers coming. 
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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