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on 2/17/12 12:58 pm
Topic: RE: Deut. 6:7
hi I  am new to this site and I am thrilled to see a Christian website that also involes weight loss. I too am a Christian and I have a few friends whom have had weight loss surgery. I would like to make friends and learn more before my surgery and learn how others dealt with insurance issues and the  new journey they have started since the weight loss. hope to hear from others.
Bless you
on 2/17/12 11:11 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: Deut. 6:7

"You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."

We are to live our lives as examples to our children and grand children, I believe this is THE most important job we have as a parent. We raised our daughter and a grand daughter they were both raised pretty much the same way but the daughter has chosen a different path and the grand daughter has chosen to follow the Christian path. Of course as parents we love them both! However there is a different type of bond with the Christian GD because we have that bond that all Christians have. She is very serious about raising her children as Christians and is working hard to learn more herself so she can share the Lord's knowledge with them. Remember even if you are not a parent children are still watching you to see how to react to different situations. No matter where you are little eyes are watching! Show them what is right!

God bless!

on 2/16/12 12:42 pm - Vancouver, WA
Topic: Psalms 116:1
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

I'm sure most of us have been knocked for a loop in our lives, times when we actually think of turning from God or actually doing it. Times when we feel God just can't be there because of the pain we are in at the time. However if we remember the above scripture it should give us strength to reach out to Him for His help. Only God knows the reason we are going thru the pain or devastation in a situation, we don't know if it is for our growth or someone elses. We just have to trust in His love for us and trust that He will lift us back up if we let Him. So remember the longer we are looking down at our problems we can't be looking up for His help. Always keep your eyes to the sky!

God bless!
on 2/15/12 10:57 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: Philippians 4:11
I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.

This is a scripture that I can relate to on a daily basis. I have COPD, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, painful feet from surgeries and just the way my foot structure is, and also had breast cancer a few years ago. So I have HAD to adopt this way of life or forever be miserable! I know that if I were not a Christian I could never feel that way. It is only thru the strength and assistance from my Savior that I am able to wake up and want to start another day. Now there are days when I wake up REAL slow but I eventually get there. I have to give my pain meds time to kick in, rub many assorted body parts with icy hot and drink my Red Bull, yes it actually helps my fibro pain! Then once the body is primed I can hit the day crawling.  I'm not looking for a pity party because I know many others out there have similar days, but what I am saying is there are lots of folks out there that have a much easier life than I do that whine daily about their poor lot in life. Well if I can make it out of bed every day then you have no excuse for whining! I am content where I am, sure I'd love for it to be better but I still have joy in my life regardless of my situation. It could be way worse, I still can get around with a little work and most important I have Jesus in my life to lift me up on those rough days. One of my favorite things is the Footprints in the Sand pictures because that is my life every day and every day Jesus is there for me, just waiting......

God bless!
on 2/14/12 9:23 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: Ecclesiastes 4: 9
"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor." This is a great scripture for Valentines Day after all not all loves are of a romantic types, we also have great love for our friends or should anyway! Are your friends just random people that float thru your life or are they like family? If we are in the family of God we have brothers and sisters in Christ who are our friends. I firmly believe God brings you the friends you need right now or will need in the future. He knows who you will need and why. On the same note He brings you to people He knows will need you in their lives. We have friends to help double the joy in life and share the pain. A good friend is there during the good and bad, 24/7. Remember to take time for your friends this week, maybe take someone to lunch you haven't seen in awhile.

Sorry I've been AWOL our computer is by satelite and when the weather gets bad the service does too. Some days it's just not worth the aggravation to try to get on. I no sooner get logged in somewhere and it throws me off, so sometimes I just have to take a vacation from the insanity. We're looking at another service so hopefully this won't continue.

God bless!
Patricia R.
on 2/10/12 6:53 am - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: John 21: 19
 When my brother died, many who came to the viewing were from our church.  He served in the pre-school Sunday School with his wife.  It was mentioned not only in the Pastor's message, but in the eulogy given by one of his co-workers, who was also a believer.

I also appreciate that at both of my brothers' funerals, it was mentioned that they were in heaven because of what the Bible said about Christ's death, burial and resurrection.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 2/9/12 8:00 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: John 21: 19
This (Jesus) spoke, signifying by what death He would glorify God.

We each have been given a way to glorify God. Just as Christ glorified Him with His death. Of course we can't possibly do that, but we can by our everyday actions. Stop and think for a second before you react to something and ask yourself will this be glorifying to God? If not then stop and change direction and do what you know you should. Of course we are only human but we should try our best to glorify God in everything we do. Even unto our death, what better way to glorify our Lord than to have the pastor at your funeral male it very clear that you lived your life for one purpose only and that was for God's glory. How many lives will be impacted by that? We just never know when our actions will change someone else's life, hopefully for the better.

God bless!
on 2/9/12 7:50 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Wrong worship
Thank you so much Michael! That's my hubby's name too. I really appreciate feedback because so few people post here I sometimes wonder if I'm just blowing around my hot air.I used to teach an adult womens Sunday school class and really enjoyed it even tho I never taught anything in my life. I use the Daily Bread for a topic here and then God puts the words in my head. Sometimes I look at what I've written and don't even remember writing it, so it must be from Him! Kudos to you for you work at your church, I know how hard it is to get people to help sometimes so I'm sure you are much appreciated, keep up the good work! God bless!
Patricia R.
on 2/8/12 12:00 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Psalm 136:1
 I used to whine and complain about delays and inconveniences.  Now, I just pray, and ask God to help me honor Him instead of complaining.  


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Michael L.
on 2/8/12 10:39 am - Fall River, MA
Topic: RE: Wrong worship
On December 26, 2011 at 9:10 PM Pacific Time, Hislady wrote:
Whew now that the big holiday is over maybe I can get back on track here and post daily again! I shouldn't allow it to slow me down but I just run out of hours in the day.

So what is wrong worshipping? Isn't any worship good? Not always because many especially non Christians get the idea that if they worship God that He will provide them with good and wonderful stress free lives. Oh what I could tell them about that! They see good things happen to us and feel that if they do the same actions they will also get a good life, What many don't understand is that we worship God (or should) because He has already given us the blessing of salvation and that is why we worship Him because He is always there for us, we are adopted into His heavenly family when we accept Christ as our personal Savior. We also can have just as many trials as the unsaved but often we handle them better or more easily because we KNOW God walks with us and is there 24/7 to guide us. So don't worship Him just to get benefits, worship Him because we already have all the benefits!

God bless!
I am a worship leader and music director at my church. That was so well put. It made my night reading this....

God bless,
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