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(deactivated member)
on 5/4/14 1:02 pm
Topic: RE: So happy to find this group! Surgery on 5/5

Sending prayers your way. Tomorrow is the start to a new day. Just remember all the tips you have read and you will do great. 

(deactivated member)
on 5/4/14 1:01 pm
(deactivated member)
on 5/4/14 12:50 pm
Topic: Happy Hubby

My husband met me plus size and fill in love with me just as I am. When I told him about considering the sleeve he was very unsure. After reading him subject matter and watching Youtube videos he came around. We prayed for guidance and the journey began. When he found out about the liquid diet before surgery he told me he would take those two weeks to fast. I almost cried. How awesome is that. Now I wonder how he will be able to handle the protein shakes after surgery. 

(deactivated member)
on 5/4/14 12:38 pm
Topic: RE: Hi all

Thank you for the welcome.

on 5/4/14 4:28 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: Welcome folks!

I want to welcome those of you who have recently posted and ask that you continue to post any topic that you are interested in. We need to get this forum back up and running! Even tho it is a Christianity forum there is no reason why we can't discuss topics or things of interest to the members. Having a problem with kids or hubby ask for input, have a hobby you'd like to share, have a favorite scripture to share, I'm open to just about anything as long as it isn't hateful or disrespectful. Be the way I don't control the forum, I'm just the last one left. So if any of you have something to share feel free to jump in! God bless!

on 5/4/14 4:20 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Hi all

Welcome!! As I've told the others recently this is a pretty slow forum, sadly but it is so good to see new folks posting and I still stop by everyday to see if anyone has posted. I would love to see this forum take off again! There are some here who never post and others who do at rare times. Feel free to join in and post whatever you feel is appropriate. Good to see another one here.

(deactivated member)
on 5/3/14 6:24 am
Topic: Hi all

I am glad there is a Christian forum. I know where to come for prayer. My surgery is June 17th. So far I am not nervous. My husband and I prayed before I got started on my journey. I did my 6 month insurance mandated classes, psyc evaluation, and went to see my dietitian twice. I think I am ready. I know there will be pain and I know to take it slow. I travel for a living so I asked my surgeon to allow me 4 weeks off. I work in the field so port-a-pot are my only choice. Not a good thing when you have fresh punctures on your body from surgery. Anywho I am happy to have family in Christ to call on. 

on 5/3/14 3:50 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: So happy to find this group! Surgery on 5/5

Welcome! As you can see this is a s-l-o-w forum but I do generally check in every day to see if anyone new shows up. Some folks will read but not post so I'm sure you will get prayer for your surgery. I've already offered up prayer for an uneventful surgery and recovery. I'm sure things will go smoothly when God is in charge! God bless!

on 5/2/14 7:22 pm - Renton, WA
Topic: So happy to find this group! Surgery on 5/5

 I am having RNY on Monday, 5/5.  I was anxious for a long time about whether to have the surgery or not, and then I was filled with peace that only comes from The Lord. I then knew that I was doing the right thing and am moving forward. I would appreciate prayers for success and recovery.  I am a teacher and will still have 6 weeks left of school when I return.


HW 284; SW 257; GW 135

¿Qué sería de mí si no fuera por tu gracia y tu amor?


on 4/21/14 4:17 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Saw Heaven is for real today

Thank you so much for sharing, I'm just sorry this board is so empty. I still stop by daily just to see if anyone has posted. I truely understand what you are saying about just moving on to another stage. I have a lung disease COPD, it is getting worse all the time and I can honestly say there are days when I am far more afraid of living than I am of dying and I'm afraid I still have many more years to endure. I call dying graduation day and have already told my hubby I want a graduation party when I die! Now don't worry I'm not going to take my life or anything like that but I'm just not terrified by the thought of it. To me it would be a great thing to have my heavenly fully working body instead of this old broken down earthly one. God must have other plans tho cause He keeps me just healthy enough to stay here, not sure what the plan is but that's not my worry I guess! Thanks again for posting and I hope others will come and share here. God bless! Karen

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