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Michael L.
on 3/28/12 2:16 am - Fall River, MA
Topic: Video clip of me leading worship
This is a great song, I hope you all love it.

If your interested in keeping up with what I'm doing in ministry and how my weightloss journey is improving it. You can follow me at

God Bless,

                                                                                 hw 500  sw 462  cw 383     

on 3/25/12 2:06 pm - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Great Worship Service
Sounds like one of those special days we don't get very often. Praise the Lord for giving you the opportunity to share!
Patricia R.
on 3/25/12 12:25 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: Great Worship Service
This morning, my church had an awesome worship service.  We had a great singing time, followed by an interesting sermon on Cain and Abel.  I never understood why God rejected Cain's offering till today.  It was a grain offering.  Scripture says, "Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin."  Finally, I get it.  Pastor also said something significant.  We can choose our choices, but we can't choose our consequences.  I certainly have learned that in the past ten years.

After the sermon, we had communion.  This time, we did something completely different.  The bread was passed out while we sang about the Lord's blood.  Then, as the juice was passed, people were encouraged to share how the Lord has worked in their lives in recent weeks.  One teen shared how he and a friend were in a play at school.  They were praying in the hallway just before the show, and a friend asked if he could pray with them.  This is a public high school.  Then, a college student shared about an opportunity he had to witness to his classmates at a secular college.  Now, several of them are interested in meeting for a time in the Word, hearing the Gospel.

God is so good.  

Twice, over the weekend, I had the opportunity to exhort a baby Christian I am mentoring.  Yesterday, she confessed to abusing one of her meds, and not taking a seizure med as prescribed.  I reminded her that our bodies are the Lord's temple.  I also reminded her that if she doesn't take the seizure medication as prescribed, she could die during a seizure from a head injury.  If that were to happen, who would be a Christian role model for her unsaved daughters?    Then, today, she was saying how she was angry with her husband, and wanted to hurt him.  I reminded her what Scripture says about how we are not to sin in our anger, Ephesians 4:26.  Then, I reminded her that Jesus died for her husband, who is human and will make mistakes, for the same reasons He died for her.  I also told her that love is a choice we make as a marriage goes from the physical attraction of newlyweds, to the challenges of the later years.  
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 3/24/12 5:49 am - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Matthew 5:16
Hi Karen,
This is why my husband and I made a lot of decisions that some people at a church my husband and I went to, which has since died, questioned.  We sent our kids to public school, and we attended secular colleges, and sent our kids to secular colleges.  When my daughter, in 6th grade, came home telling us she had an assignment she didn't want to do, because it went against our Christian beliefs, I told her to politely ask her teacher for an alternate assignment.  Turns out two other kids had similar beliefs as well.  Because she did this, her friends wanted to know more about the Bible.  She took her Bible to school, and shared it with her friends at lunch.  In college, she was very active in Campus Crusade for Christ, going on several missions trips with them.

It is also the reason I attend AA meetings, and not a Christian based recovery program.  In addition to helping me stay sober, it gives me the opportunity to develop relationships with women who desire to learn about God, and I can share my faith with them.

The church that died had a lot of elders who were very seperatistic, sending their kids to Christian schools and only wanting our youth group to minister to just our church kids and not allow the neighborhood kids to participate.  They did not even support the bus ministry, which was an outreach into the community to get kids and their parents to come out to church.  

We grew tired of this thinking, and found a church that had an evagelistic youth ministry , where the leadership was supportive of parents like us.  The church I attend now has an evangelistic type youth ministry, as well as a food pantry for anyone in the community in need.  We also help provide shelter for the homeless in the winter.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 3/23/12 1:55 pm - Vancouver, WA
Topic: Matthew 5:16
"Let your light so shine before men."

Too often we keep the treasure of our faith to ourselves when we should be sharing it. Part of our purpose while here is to reflect God's glory so others will understand their need for Him. Let others see our good works which glorifies God. So go out there and shine!

God bless!
on 3/23/12 1:51 pm - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: John 1:14
That's one we need to keep handy because how many times do we feel like Oh nobody else could know how I feel. Well like you said there is only one and He knows better than anyone else.
Patricia R.
on 3/21/12 9:17 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: John 1:14
Knowing that the Lord understands our feelings, and our temptations, gives me great comfort.  I appreciate that God put that in His Word.  I can't remember where the verse is, but it says: "We do not have a high Priest who does not understand our temptations.  But, He was tempted just as we were, yet was without sin."  Or something like that.

Awesome words of comfort.

God bless.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 3/21/12 1:38 pm - Vancouver, WA
Topic: John 1:14
" And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."

Can you imagine being alive when Jesus was here?! Maybe even living near enough to listen to Him speak. Wouldn't that have been amazing? I wonder how we would have reacted to Him then. The thought just boggles my mind. To actually see and hear our Savior, WOW! That reminds me of His human side, that He knows every feeling and emotion we have and has lived them too. He knows us better than anyone in the universe!

God bless!
on 3/20/12 6:35 am
REALIZE Band on 02/02/12
Topic: RE: Introducing myself!
Thank you both for your replies. I look forward to getting to know you both. I apologize for not signing in sooner. My husband and I just purchased a home and it has been extremely difficult to handle all that needs to be done with the preparation of the new home and move while working 12 hours a day and then taking care of a 3 year old. I just haven't had the time :o(.

Patricia R.
on 3/20/12 3:35 am - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Psalm 98:4
I have had the opportunity of living on the California coast, and driving from Monterey to Big Sur.  It is awesome to drive along the coast with the mountains on one side and the ocean on the other.  I also get excited whenever I drive to Western Pennsylvania, and our puny Allegheny Mountains don't compare with the western U.S.

I cannot comprehend seeing the awesomeness (yes it is a word) of God's creation and denying His existence.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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