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on 4/11/12 8:59 am
Topic: RE: WOW!
Thanks Lisa and I will pray for you! Your surgery date is near, how exciting .Let us know how it's going .My favorite verse is Jeramiah 29:11- For know the plans I have to prosper you and not harm you and give you hope and a future .Blessings to all!
on 4/11/12 7:54 am
Topic: RE: Please Pray For Me
Hi Lisa,

I totally agree that God is Jehovah Rapha, my Healer. The doctors, counselors, medicine. etc. are just the tools that he often uses. Of course, He is totally able to heal without using any of those things. :)

I appreciate your  prayers and encouragement.

Donna :)
Lisa S.
on 4/11/12 12:13 am - NV
VSG on 07/09/12
Topic: Awesome verse given to me today
Hi y'all. I just wanted to share this verse. Be blessed!
Psalms 90:17 And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful!



Lisa S.
on 4/11/12 12:02 am - NV
VSG on 07/09/12
Topic: RE: Busy, busy



Lisa S.
on 4/10/12 11:59 pm - NV
VSG on 07/09/12
Topic: RE: WOW!
Hello. I ditto your excitement about finding this forum. Woo Hoo!!! And yes...I worry too about getting all the emotional stuff in order. I think the wls does the physical job. But it won't be successful if we don't do the "head work". I have been seeing a therapist for the last few months...He is wonderful...and Jewish. Which I find intersting because I am Christian. But because he knows God he can relate when I tell him about kicking myself for worrying and fear...which are tools the enemy uses to distance us from our God. I will be praying for you. Pray for me too. I have had nothing but problems with my insurance for the last 2 months - long story I feel like I was under attack. My church friends have been supportive. But it is different when they are not going thru this process. Here is a few verses for favorites lately:
Psalms 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God!
Exodus 14:14 The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.
Be blessed...keep posting. Love to ya.



Lisa S.
on 4/10/12 11:52 pm - NV
VSG on 07/09/12
Topic: RE: Please Pray For Me
Donna...thank you for sharing your struggles and allowing us to pray for you. I just wanted to comment on this: "would appreciate your prayers that God will guide the therapist to know exactly what to do for me..."
I am going to pray for YOU!! God is our master physician and healer. With Him, all things are possible. Trust in Him. I have been seeing a counselor for a few months. We carry so much "garbage" around inside us. It weighs us down and breaks us down. The enemy uses whatever he can to destroy our faith. Be strong. We love you.
Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God
Exodus 14:14 The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.



on 4/10/12 12:25 pm
Topic: RE: Please Pray For Me


Thanks so much for the encouraging words of support. The Bible says, "The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord" and I know that He has led me to this group.

I'm lifting you all up in my prayers!
on 4/10/12 11:28 am
Topic: WOW!
Lurking and very excited to find a Christianity forum here! I feel pretty well informed about WLS as I worked in a Bariatric Center of Excellence and have had extensive conversations with one of our surgeons, who had WLS  also  .I'm  99% sure I want to do this. But, the last five years have been fiiled with major issues, due to marriage issues  ,ill  spouse who has become disabled and more ill , financial stress and foreclosure etc .Although the last year has brought many blessings and answers to prayer, some issues are ongoing and will continue to  be .I've already contacted the WLS department and I just have to call back to get process rolling. The 1% hesitation is the worry that if I don't get my emotional house cleaned up, I may have difficulty being sucessful. I've done therapy , meds etc .I'm doing better, but, some of these issues will be foreve  .I would  appreciate advice and prayers and will be praying for all of you .Thanks!
on 4/10/12 12:08 am - Grand Prairie, TX
Topic: RE: Please Pray For Me
I will be praying for you. Therapy is a great thing and will give you tools and a time to analyze and do something about what you are needing counseling for. Just your attitude alone about wanting to address the issue is going to take you a long way towards your success. One day and one step at time. Trusting that God is sufficient for all your needs.

"Enjoying my life and the confidence to experience more!
My support system: God, my husband, my family and wonderful friends!! I am so richly blessed and God is a God of second chances and this is one He has blessed me with and I'm not taking it for granted!!! Yeah
on 4/9/12 1:11 pm - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Please Pray For Me
Welcome Donna and I'm so glad you have turned to us for help, we have some awesome prayer warriors here! There are many more here that don't post but do read and pray for us. I'm sorry you are having to go thru this but in the end God will use it to His glory and your strength. I smoked for 35+ years and quit 12 years ago but not until I ended up with emphasema. I had tried to quit over and over but this time I was able with God's help to release it to Him. Fighting our addictions is never easy but it is fulfilling when we do succeed. Sounds like you are doing what you need to, to get on top of this so with our prayers and the help of a good therapist you should have the tools you need to win this battle. God bless and keep us posted how you are doing. Know that we will be praying for you! God bless! Karen
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