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Patricia R.
on 4/17/12 1:23 am - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: Awesome verse given to me today
 Thanks for that verse.  It is awesome.  I need to pray that more often, especially while I am visiting my daughter and grandchildren.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Lisa S.
on 4/16/12 11:22 pm - NV
VSG on 07/09/12
Topic: RE: Awesome verse given to me today
You are on my friends list!! Thank you. Let's keep in touch.



Patricia R.
on 4/16/12 12:34 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: WOW!
 Hi and welcome,
I am usually more regular, but am visiting my daughter and caring for my grandchildren, so I rarely get on my computer.

I understand the concerns and ditto what has been suggested already.  My best suggestion for the emotional stuff is to attend some Oveaters Anonymous meetings.  OA is a 12 Step recovery group patterned after AA.  I have done OA in the past, and am currently active in AA, because my alcoholism is my top priority.  

While the 12 Steps uses a God of our own understanding, there are plenty of Christians in the 12 Step rooms.  I also use the Life Recovery Bible, which helps me understand how the 12 Steps are rooted in Biblical principles.

God bless.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 4/16/12 6:57 am
Topic: RE: Awesome verse given to me today
Hi Lisa, confirmed you as a friend.Nothing happened after that, maybe I did it wrong.? Still praying for you.
on 4/15/12 9:29 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Blech!!
Thanks so much Ginger. I did get worse and made another trip to the ER but am feeling much better today, I think the antibiotics are kicking in and taking care of the infection. I should be back to my ornary self soon.
on 4/12/12 9:21 pm
REALIZE Band on 02/02/12
Topic: RE: Blech!!
I am so sorry to hear that your going through this! I will be praying for strength and recovery! I hope this ordeal ends quickly and you feel better asap!!! Sending :::::::::::::hugs::::::::::::::
on 4/12/12 8:42 am
Topic: RE: WOW!
Thank you so much for your concern , prayers and well wishes! May I ask how your doing? Well,  I hope. Without  getting into too many boring details, the last five years have been Hell for me. For 4 of those years it seemed God was silent and every huge issue snowballed into another, but, I never lost faith. I always said "God has a plan". While the past year has brought many blessings, answers to prayer and 1 extremely huge miracle, some issues will be forever.I took a leap of faith and signed up next week for the 8 hour class that is the first step required in the process for WLS. The Lord has already worked it out. I don't how to say this next part any other  way and I hope no  one  is offended. In today's world,  Christians are criticized for being intolerant. Yet, it's perfectly acceptable to mistreat and offend people that are Christian's and obese. I  know because I'm both and have been mistreated for both reasons. I'm glad here it is ok to be both. Thanks and Blessings !
on 4/12/12 8:08 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: Blech!!
Ugh need some prayer from my warriors here. I take coumadin and have gotten too much, ended up in the ER yesterday. My urine was full of blood and ends up I have an infection too. Just feel so weak, no energy at all and just want to sleep. I see my doc tomorrow and hope to be feeling stronger after the weekend but in the mean time could sure use some prayer. I'm so thankful I don't have to work and am able to just lay around and recoup. Thanks for your love and prayers! Bless you all!
on 4/12/12 8:04 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Awesome verse given to me today
Amen what an awesome verse! Only God can make us successful we can try but until He determines we've earned it it won't happen.
on 4/12/12 8:02 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: WOW!
Besides wanting to let you know I'll be praying for you I wanted to welcome you to our forum. It is so awesome to see new folks, this forum was virtually dead and now slowly it is picking up so it is exciting to see! As one who has already had surgery and been around here for 4 yrs I can tell you it is very important to have your head as straightened out as you can before surgery. You have no idea how many fail just because of this one issue. Some of you folks have been thru hell and back in your lives and need to have dealt with the majority of that before having surgery because you will also run into issues from the surgery itself that will take work. I wish you all the best and pray that things will fall in place as the Lord sees fit for things to happen in your life. God bless!
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