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Keep us posted, please.
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Thank you for standing in the gap with me for my little precious.
"....therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble". (Mt. 6:34) "casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you". ( 1Peter 5:7)
Post Date: 7/5/09 6:25 pm
I wanted to give everyone an update on the little girl that I requested prayers for the other day. I just received a CarePages notification from her family with very happy news. Brittany has been moved out of ICU to a room, and they are thinking that she will be able to go home sometime this week.
Thank you so much to all who lifted Brittany and her family in their thoughts and prayers - I know that her family appreciates it!
Teresa K.
Fort Worth, Texas
Post Date: 7/6/09 6:20 am
Please express my thanks to the folks on the Christianity forum on behalf of the Husted family. I figured people would want to know about Brittany's status - I always hate it when someone posts "bad" news and never passes along good news, so I do try and follow up. It is always a happy thing to be able to pass along positive updates!
Teresa K.
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
I'm rejoicing with you on every positive step forward in your life. Let go of the past, and give your every "now" moment to the Lord. :)
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
I have been away for a while, just lurking, but not checking in. I had a relapse with alcohol a month ago, and I am not sure if I have really posted here since then. I also had to get a new sponsor three weeks ago, and getting to know my new sponsor has been good, but time consuming.
I am working on my relationship with God more, and being blessed tremendously by my times of worship and daily devotions. I also am working on increasing my exercise. I got a dog a few weeks ago, and he has been a terrific exercise buddy, walking him multiple times a day. I need to get my food program in better shape, but it is improving. If you want to see a pic of my dog, check my profile.
My daughter is due to have my grandson in a month. My granddaughter turned two a few weeks ago. I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams.
Have a great week.
Albert Schweitzer
I have been AWOL for a while here, and am just getting back on track with my participation. What a great weekend I had. I work part time at a psychiatric hospital, and I just love working on the 4th of July. I also had a great time in worship yesterday, and then went for a swim, and watched my Phillies sweep the Mets.
I recently got a dog, and he is helping me with my focus on my weight loss goal. He is my exercise partner and he has me walking several times a day. Also, at work at the hospital, and the next simx months there are weight loss and health challenges that I am participating in. One is a walking contest. I got a pedometer and am keeping track of my steps each day.
I am still in outpatient alcoholism treatment, which is doing okay. I am learning more and more to rely on God for each day's strength and grace to get through.
Have a great day.
Albert Schweitzer
Our challenge for this Monday morning would be to focus on your weight loss goal. Are you there? Are you at that ideal weight? Have you gained and trying to get back? Are you just a few lbs. away and find it hard to get to goal? Well, if we would just get our focus set, we could reach the goal that we have set. You can do anything you set your mind to do. I can do anything that I set my mind to do. See, it all boils down to how bad we really want this. I have found myself for the past 6 months, stress eating. I have gained. I got below goal and was proud of where I was. Now, I can't wear clothes that I could wear last year this time. Why? Because I lost my focus. It is time that we make up our minds today to get back on focus. Set your eyes on the prize. That prize of wearing the clothes you want to wear. The prize of getting to that ideal goal. I have the utmost confidence in you that WE can do this. Anyone want to join me today in getting your focus back and get back on track? I'm in!!!
So, who's up this morning? What cha sippin' on? I'm enjoying some awesome Maxwell House coffee and it sure is good. It really is good in my OH mug I won a few months ago. Again, THANK YOU OH!! I love this site!!
Y'all have the best Monday as you get your focus back!
![coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper](
I trust all of you had a fun, safe 4th of July weekend. I was reminded of the verse that says, "If the Son sets you free, you are truly free" (John 8:36, NLT). Ultimately, eternally, no other kind of freedom matters.
Today, we finish the 5th basic condition to answered prayer, to pray from the place of right relationship. It's so important, that if you missed reading Life Plan Devotion #114, please go to my profile blog and read it. Let me know if I can help any of you, and, as always, I love hearing from you.
Here is a picture of my new (7th) grandbaby, Solomon Michael, with my son (and Daddy) Aaron, and his oldest son (and my 3rd grandchild) Christopher (almost 7 years old). Aren't they adorable, all three! My 4 children are so adorable. I don't know how that happened, except that I think sometimes our Heavenly Father looks at the potential mother and father, and says to His Son, "Let's just start over."
Life Plan Devotion #115 [Get prayers answered, 5th condition, Part II]
Mark 11:25 "Whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him and let it drop (leave it, let it go), in order that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you your [own] failings and shortcomings and let them drop" (Amplified).
Of the 7 basic conditions to answered prayer, we have looked at the first four, and today, we will finish looking at the fifth condition to answered prayer:
1) Pray in the Name of Jesus.
2) Pray with praise and thanksgiving.
3) Pray without known (unconfessed) sin in your life.
4) Pray with the right motive, which is God's glory.
5) Pray from the place of right relationship.
Mark 11:25 implies that if one chooses to continue praying, rather than forgive, his/her prayer will be ineffective.
Notice that nothing in God's Word says to forgive only those who deserve forgiveness. Why is that? The reason is that if it had been included in God's Word, none of us would qualify for God's forgiveness. Celebrate the fact that even though each of us is unworthy of God's forgiveness, we can say with the psalmist, "You are kind and forgiving, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to You" (Psalm 86:5, NIV).
In the New Testament, there are 27 references to "forgive as we forgive." Jesus, in His teaching on prayer, taught us to pray, "Forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us [who has offended us or done us wrong]..." (Luke 11:4, Amplified). Outside of salvation, God forgives us in direct proportion to how much we forgive others. I don't know about you, but I have so many faults and failings that I need and want forgiveness! Therefore, no matter how hard it may be, at times, I know I must forgive others.
Jesus taught by example, even to His dying breath. While on the cross, suffering in agony, He prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do..." (Luke 23:34, Amplified). Even when we feel that the person who hurt us terribly knew exactly what he/she was doing/saying, according to Jesus, he/she didn't really know.
In I Peter chapter 3, a chapter which addresses right relationship in marriage, verse 7 specifically states what will happen if a husband fails to "live considerately" with his wife, "honoring" her, etc. Husbands should tend their relationship with their spouse "in order that [their] prayers may not be hindered and cut off. [Otherwise you cannot pray effectively]" (Amplified). The same is true for the wife, in relation to her husband.
It is so easy to allow time to pass and wounds to fester. It is not worth it, though. As fellow believers in Christ, we are told to "Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look [after one another], to see that no one falls back from and fails to secure God's grace (His unmerited favor and spiritual blessing), in order that no root of resentment (rancor, bitterness, or hatred) shoots forth and causes trouble and bitter torment, and the many become contaminated and defiled by it" (Hebrews 12:15, Amplified). Unresolved relationship issues, especially those involving unforgiveness, will cause your prayers to go unanswered, trouble increases to torment, and others are affected in ever-increasing negative ways.
If the Holy Spirit is nudging you, make the choice to forgive (yes, it is a decision, not a feeling/emotion). Pray just as Jesus prayed, "Father, forgive [him/her/them]..." (Luke 23:34, Amplified, with author's addition of pronouns in brackets). Then "let it drop (leave it, let it go)" (Mark 11:25, Amplified).
I want to be confident that my prayers are heard and my requests granted, so I tend to my relationship with others and I am quick to forgive, just as God has forgiven me.
Note: If you experience continued unresolved relational issues, please contact a pastor, counselor, or therapist.
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach