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Topic: Wednesday Coffee Talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone! I hope you slept as good as I did, minus the falls. HAHA!!
Our challenge today is to be content. Be happy where you are and what you are doing. Have you ever seen someone who was happy? On the other hand, have you ever seen someone who wasn't happy or content? They were searching all over the world for happiness and for jobs? They keep moving here and there chasing something. True happiness and contentment will never be found in material things, and will not be found having more than you want Keeping up with the Jones and the Smiths only gets you into trouble. DEBT! A man or a woman can not give you true happiness. Now, mind you, you can find true love in a person True happiness comes from inside of YOU! True happiness comes from Jesus Christ. Learn to be content no matter where you are. You've tried everything else, now try HIM! You will be surprised at how He can change every situation in you life! If you are at the most terrible job you've ever had, be the positive one an be the one to make a change. Be content and wait. Here goes.....why not give God a try? You've tried everything else, now try the real thing! Try God! He can make you happy and he can make you content. I dare you to give it a try!!
So, whos up? I'm prying my eyes open with toothpicks and enjoying some awesome blueberry vanilla coffee. It sure is goood. i pray you are all having a great day no matter what you are sippin' on!
Be blessed!
Our challenge today is to be content. Be happy where you are and what you are doing. Have you ever seen someone who was happy? On the other hand, have you ever seen someone who wasn't happy or content? They were searching all over the world for happiness and for jobs? They keep moving here and there chasing something. True happiness and contentment will never be found in material things, and will not be found having more than you want Keeping up with the Jones and the Smiths only gets you into trouble. DEBT! A man or a woman can not give you true happiness. Now, mind you, you can find true love in a person True happiness comes from inside of YOU! True happiness comes from Jesus Christ. Learn to be content no matter where you are. You've tried everything else, now try HIM! You will be surprised at how He can change every situation in you life! If you are at the most terrible job you've ever had, be the positive one an be the one to make a change. Be content and wait. Here goes.....why not give God a try? You've tried everything else, now try the real thing! Try God! He can make you happy and he can make you content. I dare you to give it a try!!
So, whos up? I'm prying my eyes open with toothpicks and enjoying some awesome blueberry vanilla coffee. It sure is goood. i pray you are all having a great day no matter what you are sippin' on!
Be blessed!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
![coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper](
![coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper](
Topic: Life Plan Devotion #121 [Just do it]
Hi, Everyone.
Can you believe July is half over! Before you know it, another school year will begin. Just so you know, I'll be glad, because I'll get my house back!
Are you enjoying the only verse in the Bible that uses the word "success"--Joshua 1:8? It's an awesome promise, but you must pay attention to The Book. :)
As always, I love hearing from you. It blesses and encourages me.
Life Plan Devotion #121 [Just do it]
Joshua 1:8 "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success" (NKJV).
We have looked at two of the three "my part" clauses in this promise of success. Today, let's look at the third clause of Joshua 1:8, "that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it."
The Hebrew word for "observe" for Joshua 1:8c is shâmar (shaw-mar’), which means "guard, protect, attend to: be cir****pect, take heed, keep, mark, look narrowly, observe, preserve, regard, reserve, watch."
It is not enough to read God's Word. Without illumination of the Holy Spirit, without being cir****pect ("heedful of cir****tances or consequences, Webster's), the reader may as well be reading the newspaper or a novel, for all the good it will do him/her.
The following is a list of how some versions state our Joshua 1:8c clause:
--" that you may be careful to do everything written in it" (TNIV).
--"...take heed to do according to all that is written therein" (Darby).
--"...Make sure you do everything that is written in it" (NIRV).
--"...observe and do according to all that is written in it" (Amplified).
--"...obey it completely" (CEV).
--"...obey everything that is written there" (NCV).
--"...making sure you practice everything written in it" (Message).
God's Word is our instruction book, and it is essential that we know it and meditate on it. There is a third key aspect, and that is that we must do what the Word tells us to do. In John 14:15, Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments" (NKJV). He also said, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching" (John 14:23, NIV).
I remember a church marquee that said something like, "If you're a child of the king, there ought to be a family resemblance." How true. I fear we have many who think they are Christians, may have grown up in the church, may attend church, may even have signed a card or repeated a prayer, but are not truly born again.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not judging. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23, KJV), but each of us must take a good long look at our own life, at what we see, say, and do. In I John 2:3, we are told, "We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands" (NIV).
God's Word is meant to transform us, to help us "look" more like our Father and King. In James 1:22-25, we are admonished to "be doers of the Word [obey the message], and not merely listeners to it, betraying yourselves [into deception by reasoning contrary to the Truth]. For if anyone only listens to the Word without obeying it and being a doer of it, he is like a man who looks carefully at his [own] natural face in a mirror; For he thoughtfully observes himself, and then goes off and promptly forgets what he was like. But he who looks carefully into the faultless law, the [law] of liberty, and is faithful to it and perseveres in looking into it, being not a heedless listener who forgets but an active doer [who obeys], he shall be blessed in his doing (his life of obedience)" (Amplified).
Reading, meditating on, heeding and obeying God's Word is not legalism; it is liberty. It's the "my part" of the promises found in Joshua 1:8 and James 1:25 (among many other promises).
What this has to do with weight loss: As you allow God's Word to transform you on the inside, your "outside" will reflect that, as well. See what God's Word has to say about your weight-loss journey, and then just do it. The end result will be amazing.
I read, meditate on, heed, and obey God's Word, so I can claim God's promises.
Can you believe July is half over! Before you know it, another school year will begin. Just so you know, I'll be glad, because I'll get my house back!
Are you enjoying the only verse in the Bible that uses the word "success"--Joshua 1:8? It's an awesome promise, but you must pay attention to The Book. :)
As always, I love hearing from you. It blesses and encourages me.
Life Plan Devotion #121 [Just do it]
Joshua 1:8 "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success" (NKJV).
We have looked at two of the three "my part" clauses in this promise of success. Today, let's look at the third clause of Joshua 1:8, "that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it."
The Hebrew word for "observe" for Joshua 1:8c is shâmar (shaw-mar’), which means "guard, protect, attend to: be cir****pect, take heed, keep, mark, look narrowly, observe, preserve, regard, reserve, watch."
It is not enough to read God's Word. Without illumination of the Holy Spirit, without being cir****pect ("heedful of cir****tances or consequences, Webster's), the reader may as well be reading the newspaper or a novel, for all the good it will do him/her.
The following is a list of how some versions state our Joshua 1:8c clause:
--" that you may be careful to do everything written in it" (TNIV).
--"...take heed to do according to all that is written therein" (Darby).
--"...Make sure you do everything that is written in it" (NIRV).
--"...observe and do according to all that is written in it" (Amplified).
--"...obey it completely" (CEV).
--"...obey everything that is written there" (NCV).
--"...making sure you practice everything written in it" (Message).
God's Word is our instruction book, and it is essential that we know it and meditate on it. There is a third key aspect, and that is that we must do what the Word tells us to do. In John 14:15, Jesus said, "If you love me, keep my commandments" (NKJV). He also said, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching" (John 14:23, NIV).
I remember a church marquee that said something like, "If you're a child of the king, there ought to be a family resemblance." How true. I fear we have many who think they are Christians, may have grown up in the church, may attend church, may even have signed a card or repeated a prayer, but are not truly born again.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not judging. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23, KJV), but each of us must take a good long look at our own life, at what we see, say, and do. In I John 2:3, we are told, "We know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands" (NIV).
God's Word is meant to transform us, to help us "look" more like our Father and King. In James 1:22-25, we are admonished to "be doers of the Word [obey the message], and not merely listeners to it, betraying yourselves [into deception by reasoning contrary to the Truth]. For if anyone only listens to the Word without obeying it and being a doer of it, he is like a man who looks carefully at his [own] natural face in a mirror; For he thoughtfully observes himself, and then goes off and promptly forgets what he was like. But he who looks carefully into the faultless law, the [law] of liberty, and is faithful to it and perseveres in looking into it, being not a heedless listener who forgets but an active doer [who obeys], he shall be blessed in his doing (his life of obedience)" (Amplified).
Reading, meditating on, heeding and obeying God's Word is not legalism; it is liberty. It's the "my part" of the promises found in Joshua 1:8 and James 1:25 (among many other promises).
What this has to do with weight loss: As you allow God's Word to transform you on the inside, your "outside" will reflect that, as well. See what God's Word has to say about your weight-loss journey, and then just do it. The end result will be amazing.
I read, meditate on, heed, and obey God's Word, so I can claim God's promises.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Topic: Tuesday Coffee Talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone. Time to rise and shine. Gotta spray those pits and eat those grits. HAHA! Its gonna be a wonderful Tuesday! I can just feel it. I have to get ready for Orientation at UAH and will be there most of the day. Excited to be going back to school in a classroom setting instead of on line. BIG changes are in store.
That leads us to our challenge for today. Be open to change. Change is a good thing most of the time and when change comes, we have to be ready and accept it. Good change or bad change, be ready for it and learn to accept it. What change is going on in your life right now? Is it good? Is it a bad change? How are you handling the change? We have to learn to accept change. It is inevitable. Change is coming at some point. Go ahead, buck up, and be ready! I know you can!
So, who's up this morning? What cha sippin' on? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Millstone Chocolate Velvet and it sure is good. Lucy is out the door coffee and home made sausage biscuit in hand. The coffee ROCKS! Gotta get cha some on the wally world coffee isle. You can grind it fresh yourself. Nothing like it.
Y'all have a wonderful and blessed Tuesday!
That leads us to our challenge for today. Be open to change. Change is a good thing most of the time and when change comes, we have to be ready and accept it. Good change or bad change, be ready for it and learn to accept it. What change is going on in your life right now? Is it good? Is it a bad change? How are you handling the change? We have to learn to accept change. It is inevitable. Change is coming at some point. Go ahead, buck up, and be ready! I know you can!
So, who's up this morning? What cha sippin' on? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Millstone Chocolate Velvet and it sure is good. Lucy is out the door coffee and home made sausage biscuit in hand. The coffee ROCKS! Gotta get cha some on the wally world coffee isle. You can grind it fresh yourself. Nothing like it.
Y'all have a wonderful and blessed Tuesday!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
![coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper](
![coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper](
Topic: Life Plan Devotion #120 [Meditate]
Hi, Everyone.
I've had a "You know you're too tired when..." moment. I just realized that I failed to write the "What this has to do with weight loss" part of yesterday's Devotion. I'm going to go back and do that (soon, I hope) and at least add it to an edited devotion #119 on my profile blog. I sure apologize about that. If I ever do that in the future, give me a nudge, would you? Thanks.
Life Plan Devotion #120 [Meditate]
Joshua 1:8 "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success" (NKJV).
Yesterday, we looked at the importance of following the first clause of Joshua 1:8, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth," that it is crucial that we know what God's Word says.
Today, let's look at the second clause of Joshua 1:8, "but you shall meditate in it day and night." The Hebrew word for "meditate" is “hâgâh" (haw-gaw’), which means "to murmur (in pleasure); to ponder--imagine, meditate, mutter, roar, speak, study, talk, utter."
The list of synonyms in the definition for the Hebrew word "meditate" is reflected in the way the following versions state our Joshua 1:8b clause:
--"meditate on it" (TNIV)
--"think about what it says" (NIRV)
--"study it" (NCV)
--"recite it" (HCSB)
--"Ponder and meditate on it" (Message)
The second verse of the first chapter of the Book of Psalms says that "His [the blessed man's] delight is in the law of the LORD; and on His law he meditates day and night" (Psalm 1:2, NIV, words added in brackets by author, for clarity). One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is Psalm 119. While I encourage you to read that chapter at least once a month, let's look at four verses specific to our Joshua 1:8b clause. As you read them, ask yourself if you can honestly echo the words.
"I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways" (Psalm 119:15). "I reach out my hands for your commandments, which I love, and I meditate on your decrees" (v. 48). "Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long" (v. 97). "My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises" (v. 148, NIV).
God wants us to read, study, memorize, recite, speak, pray, ponder, think about, meditate in and on His Word. When are we to do all that? According to Joshua 1:8, we should meditate on God's Word "day and night." Even when we're going about our daily business, God's Word should be coming to mind and on the tip of our tongue.
Even when we're asleep, if we have hidden God's Word in our heart, I believe God's Word continues to work in us. If "He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over [His people] will neither slumber nor sleep" (Psalm 121:3-4, NIV, words in brackets added by author, for clarity), and since He is the Word (John 1:1), and since His Word is "living and active" (Hebrews 4:12, NIV), it makes sense that the Word of God continues to work in us, even when we're asleep. Think about that--God's living, active, powerful Word works within your mind, heart, and spirit--day and night!
What this has to do with weight loss: When you think about your weight-loss journey, what do you think about? Make a conscious choice to pay attention to the thoughts that flit through your mind throughout the day (or stay for a while). If those thoughts tend to be negative, self-defeating, then you have some work to do, and God's Word can help you renew your mind. Give it a try. Remember, your thoughts become spoken words and actions and habits, so they're important.
Because I love God's Word and because I want success in every area of my life, I read, memorize, study, meditate on, think about, speak and pray the powerful Word of God every day.
I've had a "You know you're too tired when..." moment. I just realized that I failed to write the "What this has to do with weight loss" part of yesterday's Devotion. I'm going to go back and do that (soon, I hope) and at least add it to an edited devotion #119 on my profile blog. I sure apologize about that. If I ever do that in the future, give me a nudge, would you? Thanks.
Life Plan Devotion #120 [Meditate]
Joshua 1:8 "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success" (NKJV).
Yesterday, we looked at the importance of following the first clause of Joshua 1:8, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth," that it is crucial that we know what God's Word says.
Today, let's look at the second clause of Joshua 1:8, "but you shall meditate in it day and night." The Hebrew word for "meditate" is “hâgâh" (haw-gaw’), which means "to murmur (in pleasure); to ponder--imagine, meditate, mutter, roar, speak, study, talk, utter."
The list of synonyms in the definition for the Hebrew word "meditate" is reflected in the way the following versions state our Joshua 1:8b clause:
--"meditate on it" (TNIV)
--"think about what it says" (NIRV)
--"study it" (NCV)
--"recite it" (HCSB)
--"Ponder and meditate on it" (Message)
The second verse of the first chapter of the Book of Psalms says that "His [the blessed man's] delight is in the law of the LORD; and on His law he meditates day and night" (Psalm 1:2, NIV, words added in brackets by author, for clarity). One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is Psalm 119. While I encourage you to read that chapter at least once a month, let's look at four verses specific to our Joshua 1:8b clause. As you read them, ask yourself if you can honestly echo the words.
"I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways" (Psalm 119:15). "I reach out my hands for your commandments, which I love, and I meditate on your decrees" (v. 48). "Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long" (v. 97). "My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises" (v. 148, NIV).
God wants us to read, study, memorize, recite, speak, pray, ponder, think about, meditate in and on His Word. When are we to do all that? According to Joshua 1:8, we should meditate on God's Word "day and night." Even when we're going about our daily business, God's Word should be coming to mind and on the tip of our tongue.
Even when we're asleep, if we have hidden God's Word in our heart, I believe God's Word continues to work in us. If "He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over [His people] will neither slumber nor sleep" (Psalm 121:3-4, NIV, words in brackets added by author, for clarity), and since He is the Word (John 1:1), and since His Word is "living and active" (Hebrews 4:12, NIV), it makes sense that the Word of God continues to work in us, even when we're asleep. Think about that--God's living, active, powerful Word works within your mind, heart, and spirit--day and night!
What this has to do with weight loss: When you think about your weight-loss journey, what do you think about? Make a conscious choice to pay attention to the thoughts that flit through your mind throughout the day (or stay for a while). If those thoughts tend to be negative, self-defeating, then you have some work to do, and God's Word can help you renew your mind. Give it a try. Remember, your thoughts become spoken words and actions and habits, so they're important.
Because I love God's Word and because I want success in every area of my life, I read, memorize, study, meditate on, think about, speak and pray the powerful Word of God every day.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Topic: RE: Life Plan Devotion #119 [Success]
Hi, Vickie.
Thank you for your kind words. We all have days where we skip some rungs of the Ladder. It's okay, though, because God is all about do-overs. :) He loves us, no matter what, but He knows how helpful His Word is to us, in us, and through us, and He wants the best for us.
Maybe sometime soon you could send me a PM or email, to get me updated on your miracle. Pretty please? ;)
As always, thanks for reading and replying.
Thank you for your kind words. We all have days where we skip some rungs of the Ladder. It's okay, though, because God is all about do-overs. :) He loves us, no matter what, but He knows how helpful His Word is to us, in us, and through us, and He wants the best for us.
Maybe sometime soon you could send me a PM or email, to get me updated on your miracle. Pretty please? ;)
As always, thanks for reading and replying.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Topic: RE: Life Plan Devotion #119 [Success]
A picture! We finally get to see what our Mary looks like! And she looks happy and beautiful, that's how she looks--the outside totally matches the inside. It is so nice to put a face to a name. Thank you.
Great message. I think I've been skipping some rungs. Looks like I need to climb down and start over.
Great message. I think I've been skipping some rungs. Looks like I need to climb down and start over.
Topic: Monday Coffee Talk
Good Monday morning everyone! I overslept this morning. Storm swept through here last night and the clocks were blinking. We have 1/2 a tree down in our front yard. It was one of our Bradford Pears too. And to know that I slept through all of this. WOW! LOL I'm up now though and enjoying my coffee.
Our challenge for today is to guard your hearts. Whatever you let in your heart can damage your spirit. Just like what you eat can physically damage your heart over time, the garbage you allow in your heart, will damage you over time. If it is hatred, evil, worry, jealousy, all of these, if allowed to live in your heart, will hurt you over time. Guard your heart. Only let love and goodness in. I challenge you today!
So, who's up? What cha sippin' on? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Cinnamon Vanilla coffee and it sure is good. Lucy has gotten out the door on her way to work with her cup in hand.
Y'all have a wonderful Monday!
Our challenge for today is to guard your hearts. Whatever you let in your heart can damage your spirit. Just like what you eat can physically damage your heart over time, the garbage you allow in your heart, will damage you over time. If it is hatred, evil, worry, jealousy, all of these, if allowed to live in your heart, will hurt you over time. Guard your heart. Only let love and goodness in. I challenge you today!
So, who's up? What cha sippin' on? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Cinnamon Vanilla coffee and it sure is good. Lucy has gotten out the door on her way to work with her cup in hand.
Y'all have a wonderful Monday!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
![coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper](
![coffeefirst.jpg image by jrcpepper](
Topic: Life Plan Devotion #119 [Success]
Hi, Everyone.
I trust you had a wonderful weekend and are ready for a great week. It's a marvelous Monday, here in Kansas!
Today, we begin looking at a new, wonderful promise. My prayer for you is that God will speak to you through His Word. As always, I love hearing from you.
Life Plan Devotion #119 [Success]
Joshua 1:8 "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success" (NKJV).
Joshua 1:8 is the only place in the early English version of the Bible where the word "success" is found. I feel the Lord would have us look at this very important verse, one clause at a time. Today, we will focus on the first clause of Joshua 1:8, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth."
When God breathed, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth," did He mean that we shouldn't speak it? Of course not. Let's look at this clause in other Bible versions.
I frequent often, for the many versions of the Bible there, and because you can look at the same passage of scripture in up to 5 versions at a time. This is how some of those versions state the first clause of Joshua 1:8.
--"Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips" (Today's NIV).
--"Never stop reading this Scroll of the Law" (NIRV).
--"Always remember what is written in the Book of the Teachings" (NCV).
--"This Book of the Law must not leave your mouth" (NLV).
--"This book of instruction must not depart from your mouth" (HCS).
--"Don't for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind" (Message).
--"Study this Book of Instruction continually" (NLT).
It is absolutely crucial that you know what is written in God's Word. Read it (and read it often), memorize it (and review it), study it (go after God's Word, as a scholar), get it down deep into your mind and heart and spirit ****il you know that you know it), think it (let it renew your mind), and speak it (to yourself and to others). Those are the first 6 rungs of the Ladder of Success. Don't try to skip any of them, or you may fall off the ladder.
Take an honest look at your relationship with God's Word, especially in the quantity and quality of time you spend with it. Do you climb those 6 rungs quickly or sporadically, or perhaps you try to skip some of those rungs up the Ladder of Success. We'll look at more of this verse next time, and, eventually, we'll look at what "success" means. Right now, though, answer this soul-searching question, "How much do you want it?"
Because I want success in every area of my life, I read, memorize, study, meditate on, think about, and speak the powerful Word of God every day.
I trust you had a wonderful weekend and are ready for a great week. It's a marvelous Monday, here in Kansas!
Today, we begin looking at a new, wonderful promise. My prayer for you is that God will speak to you through His Word. As always, I love hearing from you.
Life Plan Devotion #119 [Success]
Joshua 1:8 "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success" (NKJV).
Joshua 1:8 is the only place in the early English version of the Bible where the word "success" is found. I feel the Lord would have us look at this very important verse, one clause at a time. Today, we will focus on the first clause of Joshua 1:8, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth."
When God breathed, "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth," did He mean that we shouldn't speak it? Of course not. Let's look at this clause in other Bible versions.
I frequent often, for the many versions of the Bible there, and because you can look at the same passage of scripture in up to 5 versions at a time. This is how some of those versions state the first clause of Joshua 1:8.
--"Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips" (Today's NIV).
--"Never stop reading this Scroll of the Law" (NIRV).
--"Always remember what is written in the Book of the Teachings" (NCV).
--"This Book of the Law must not leave your mouth" (NLV).
--"This book of instruction must not depart from your mouth" (HCS).
--"Don't for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind" (Message).
--"Study this Book of Instruction continually" (NLT).
It is absolutely crucial that you know what is written in God's Word. Read it (and read it often), memorize it (and review it), study it (go after God's Word, as a scholar), get it down deep into your mind and heart and spirit ****il you know that you know it), think it (let it renew your mind), and speak it (to yourself and to others). Those are the first 6 rungs of the Ladder of Success. Don't try to skip any of them, or you may fall off the ladder.
Take an honest look at your relationship with God's Word, especially in the quantity and quality of time you spend with it. Do you climb those 6 rungs quickly or sporadically, or perhaps you try to skip some of those rungs up the Ladder of Success. We'll look at more of this verse next time, and, eventually, we'll look at what "success" means. Right now, though, answer this soul-searching question, "How much do you want it?"
Because I want success in every area of my life, I read, memorize, study, meditate on, think about, and speak the powerful Word of God every day.
"Don't tell God how big your storm is; tell your storm how BIG your God is!"
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
ObesityHelp Support Group Leader and Support Group Coach
Topic: RE: Blessings and Travel
Thanks Sis,
I had an awesome time with my son the past two days. We had some good talks and I took some great pictures. I will try to get some in my profile page.
I am home now, and hoping to get some cleaning done.
Have a great day.
I had an awesome time with my son the past two days. We had some good talks and I took some great pictures. I will try to get some in my profile page.
I am home now, and hoping to get some cleaning done.
Have a great day.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer![96179](
Albert Schweitzer
Topic: RE: prayers for Alayah
Just a little update on our precious Alayah
She had been rescheduled for the 16th so still is in need of prayer. They will do a biopsy of her tummy and lungs while she is sedated.
Thanks again for your prayers and God bless you all !
She had been rescheduled for the 16th so still is in need of prayer. They will do a biopsy of her tummy and lungs while she is sedated.
Thanks again for your prayers and God bless you all !