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Topic: RE: Stressed and need prayer
I am covered under FMLA,but, they have the right to approve or deny non-emergency medical leaves .As much as I would like my sleeve to be an emergency, (is to me!!!) that's not what it is .Supposedly the employee on medical is coming back 10-8.If I don't get answer by 10-14, I will be going higher up .Also ,by my 10-29 surgery date, the employee that is off,will have been off 14 weeks .I wish no ill will to this employee,but, aftermore than 12 weeks ,supposedly your job is gone.I just wish management would be professional and courteous enough to not ignore e-mails or change schedules with no explanations.Thanks to all!
Topic: RE: Stressed and need prayer
Well I'm new to this forum, but saw your post and thought I'd chime in. You are most likely covered under FMLA. If your company falls under those regulations, I would contact HR. I would even explore the date next week, if you fall under FMLA, they really can't refuse you with an off-work order from the Dr. If you were able to get in next week, then you for sure would still have your insurance. Just a thought from someone who always has to hang up those legal notices in the breakroom.
Topic: RE: Stressed and need prayer
Thanks! I'd posted a while ago about the last 5/6 years of my life being one bad thing after another.My very healthy husband became ill, more ill, disabled,no income for 2 1/2 years, bankruptcy, forclosure, just to name a few.Through it all,God worked a lot of things out in amazing ways. I do have faith, I'm just tired.Every time I think things will calm down, something else happens.I wanted to have this surgery 6 years ago,but, with everything else going on,it wasn't possible.It's just been weighing on me( no pun intended) that I can't keep putting my health on the backburner.It's vitally important that I try to be as healthy as possible, as I'm the only one working and providing insurance for the family.I know God has already worked it out,I'm just worn out and don't take the stress as well as I used to.Thanks for your prayers!
Topic: RE: Please pray
I am new to this OH site and just wanted to let you know that i will pray for you. I too am a member of AA and know that I am going to really need the program more as i undergo my RNY surgery on Oct. 15, 2012. I feel that i am in very good spiritual condition at this point in my life but am in need of a new sponsor to help guide me along the way. I know that I cannot do this alone and i need my Higher Power .....God.... to be there along with the other women and men in the program.
Thank you for posting this and i will continue to pray for you and her. Thank you again,
Topic: RE: Stressed and need prayer
Well Trish covered it all pretty well so I'll just send you a big
and verify that everything she said is true. We will be praying for you!
Topic: RE: Stressed and need prayer
Take some very deep breaths, and blow them out through your mouth very slowly. I understand. I have been there many times, and totally understand.
Let me remind you of some very important Truths about what is going on in your life right now. First, God loves you very, very much. No matter what happens, His love never ends. Second, He knows about every single detail of what you posted about your job and the surgery. He's known all along. Third, God has this matter in His hands, along with every single detail of your life, inside and out. Fourth, He will take care of working things out for good. It may not seem good right now, but it will work out. Romans promises that. Fifth, He will provide for you and your family, no matter what happens with the job and layoffs. I know it's hard to believe, or accept some, or all of these things. But, trust me. Everything I have said it true. I have experienced all of it, including when it came to getting my surgery done. God worked out all the details in His time for His glory.
I had a rather emotionally stressful day today. Nothing as big as the scheduling of surgery and possibly losing me job. But, I am glad that God loves me and that He has things under His control.
Take some very deep breaths, and blow them out through your mouth very slowly. I understand. I have been there many times, and totally understand.
Let me remind you of some very important Truths about what is going on in your life right now. First, God loves you very, very much. No matter what happens, His love never ends. Second, He knows about every single detail of what you posted about your job and the surgery. He's known all along. Third, God has this matter in His hands, along with every single detail of your life, inside and out. Fourth, He will take care of working things out for good. It may not seem good right now, but it will work out. Romans promises that. Fifth, He will provide for you and your family, no matter what happens with the job and layoffs. I know it's hard to believe, or accept some, or all of these things. But, trust me. Everything I have said it true. I have experienced all of it, including when it came to getting my surgery done. God worked out all the details in His time for His glory.
I had a rather emotionally stressful day today. Nothing as big as the scheduling of surgery and possibly losing me job. But, I am glad that God loves me and that He has things under His control.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer![96179](
Albert Schweitzer
Topic: Stressed and need prayer
Hi everyone. I told my boss a few weeks ago I would be taking a medical leave starting on my day of surgery, 10-29-12, giving her 7 weeks notice. I only need to give 30 days..I told her as soon as I got a date.I was told since it was non emergency and another employee is on leave( maybe coming back 10-8) it was not appproved right now.I sent her a couple e-mails in the last couple weeks about it ,no response. I was sent a work schedule( e-mail) showing I was starting leave10-29,followed by a revised one the next day,showing I wasn't with no explanation.She came to my work area a few days ago, I said "HI" and was ignored.I haven't cancelled the 10-29 surgery yet,hoping it will work out and also because they will ask me when I can reschedule and I don''t know.I've worked for my corporation for 35 years,but, only at this job 6 months, with a new boss.I seem to be on the bad list.A friend suggested going to a higher up maqnager,but, I don't want to make waves or enemies.I realize my boss may not know for sure when the other employee is coming back, but, at least respond,even if it's "I don't know".It was also announced today, layoff's start next week.I'm trying not to stress too much about all this and keep praying,but, today the bariatric nurse called asking me to please take a cancellation for next Tuesday and I started crying. I told her I may not even be able to do the 10-29 if my leave isn't approved or I have no job.I know I just have to pray and wait,but,today was a bad day and I'm asking everyone to pray! Thanks!!!!!!!
Topic: Dr. Stanley Devotional September 19
Accountability Is Scriptural
James 5:13-16
There are plenty of biblical directives about making ourselves accountable to one another. But for many, the idea of revealing personal information seems restrictive or even an invasion of privacy. Such confession seems a hindrance to the pursuit of pleasure, prosperity, and prestige. Most people prefer to keep to themselves and not involve others in their business.
The Bible, however, makes it clear that Christians are to support each other in this regard: "Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed" (James 5:16).
Accountability in the body of Christ is a biblical principle. Church members take direction from their pastor (Heb. 13:17). Paul tells us to be subject one to another (Eph. 5:21). Yet he was answerable to the church (Acts 14:27), just as Timothy was subordinate to him (1 Tim. 4:13-16). The apostles were certainly under the authority of Jesus (Luke 10), even as Jesus was subject to the Father (John 8:28-29). Of course, the Bible tells us that the whole church is obedient to the Lord Jesus Christ (Eph. 5:24). Regardless of one's position, everybody is accountable to somebody. And this holds true for the entire family of faith--from the congregation to the ministers to Jesus Himself, who served God the Father.
People avoid accountability for various reasons, including pride, ignorance, fear, and self-reliance. This is a dangerous approach to life. Our Enemy knows our weaknesses and how to exploit them. But we can prevail with the support of friends. There is strength in the body of Christ
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer![96179](
Albert Schweitzer
Topic: RE: Please pray
Karen, post when you can, be it as brief as it might be. Know that you are in my prayers. I love you, and am very concerned about you.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer![96179](
Albert Schweitzer
Topic: RE: Please pray
I pray her heart is open to a wonderful learning relationship with her. I probably will be AWOL for a little bit, lungs are funky again, I get so tired of this. Sick and tired of being sick and tired, I know you you've been there too.