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on 4/8/15 8:07 am
Topic: RE: I am new to this forum and wanted to know if anyone can give me advice,

When I originally thought about WLS, it was either the bypass or the band. At that time the thought of having my insides totally rearranged did not appeal to me, and having something left inside me didn't appeal to me either.  I'm so glad God made me wait at that time.  When I started researching this time, I noticed there were a lot more options.  I had then had my heart set on the sleeve.  Then I went to a seminar where I learned so much more information and then talked to my surgeon one on one and we discussed the options.  We finally came to the conclusion that the DS would be best for my situation because of my co-morbities and the amount of weight I needed to loose.  I am so glad I did the DS.  It had very little pain at the time of surgery and my weight is coming off slowly but surely.  Go to your surgeon's seminar...  listen to what each type of surgery can do for you based on how much you want to lose, how much generally stays off and then talk in detail with your surgeon - he will be the best option for you.  God opened the doors for what was right for me.  Best wishes in the future!

on 4/8/15 8:01 am
Topic: RE: Just noticed this forum!

I just noticed this forum too!  Great to see it here.  Some of my best friends I have made from a Christian forum on another weight loss site.  I had my DS on Dec 31 2014.  New Year...  New me!  Hope everyone has a blessed day!

on 3/30/15 6:41 am
VSG on 03/07/15
Topic: RE: Just noticed this forum!

I just found this, too! Maybe we can get a good convo going soon :)


VSG on 3/7/15. 

Add me on myfitnesspal: molfish6 


on 3/1/15 7:22 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Just noticed this forum!

Welcome unfortunately as you can see we don't get much action here but I pop in several times a day to check so it is always a treat to find someone new popped in! Feel free to post any time it is always welcome. I've tried to start it up a few times but it never goes far but I keep hoping one day it will get going like it used to!

on 2/28/15 9:08 am
Topic: Just noticed this forum!

Wow! I would have been here sooner had I noticed this forum! Encouragement from anyone is great but when someone says they will pray for you it's the best feeling in the world! I could have used lots of prayers 8 months ago when I had my surgery but even now I would love to have them. As we all know each day is a struggle, early on and at 8 months out. I still have a tendency to eat too fast in certain situations and am working so hard on correcting that behavior. When I eat too fast I end up throwing up, so no nutrition after eating. I really don't get hungry and can go all day without eating, no problem, except I know I need the nutrition. I'm 9 lbs away from goal and have slowed to losing about a pound every 2 weeks. But onward I shall go!


on 2/3/15 7:14 am
Topic: RE: I am new to this forum and wanted to know if anyone can give me advice,

I would do the sleeve.i had Rouyn y and 5 yrs later had a revision cause mine got messed up.i think from getting sick a lot.


(deactivated member)
on 1/19/15 2:04 am
Topic: RE: Welcome folks!


Would love to join this group but can't seem to find group name to join. Am I doing something wrong? Help?


(deactivated member)
on 1/19/15 1:53 am
Topic: RE: God finish the rest

....with us on this weight loss journey...Praise His Holy Name!!!

on 12/19/14 1:33 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: new to this forum

Hi Shawna,

I am also knew to this forum and website. Seems like a real good place to be right now!Be blessed.


on 12/19/14 1:31 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: daily devotions or bible study?


Have you heard of the YouVersion app. it's a free app that you can download to pretty much any smart phone or iPhone. You can also go to their website, they have devotions for every type of emotions, situations, healing, prayer, anxiety, finances... and so much more. Be blessed and remember that God is with you and knows exactly what you are anticipating. Anticipate His wonderful provision in the days to come.


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