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Thankfully the weather is warming up and they did have good insurance so should be able to rebuild and do ok. I think the emotional part is harder on her than anything plus she's supposed to have female surgery soon and that's weighing on her too.
He is indeed and I am sooo very thankful He loved me that much! Tomorrow is also great grand daughter's birthday. So a day for much joy. You enjoy family time with the kiddos!
He Is Risen Indeed!!
Happy Easter. Last night, I heard a good message at my new church's Good Friday service. Pastor explained, in simple terms, why Good Friday is good. I felt bad for my daughter during the service, because they did not have a nursery, and my two young grandsons were extra chatty in the pew. So, she left the sanctuary with them, even though I offered to take them into the nursery. She was able to hear the message, and see the video at the end.
Today, my church is hosting a huge Easter egg hunt in town. It's open to all kids up to grade five. There will be a Gospel message, and over 1,000 plastic eggs with candy in them, all donated by members of the congregation. I'm heading over there to watch my Munchkins gather eggs. I got a great deal on bags of candy at Rite Aid, a few weeks ago. My daughter warned me that last year the chocolate candy melted in the eggs, so I got Sweettarts, Jolly Ranchers, and Starbursts. I love when the Lord puts stuff on sale when I need it the most.
I am heading to my daughter's for dinner on Sunday. Her in-laws will be there too. Instead of making Easter baskets with candy in them, I bought the older kids craft kits for us to work on. I bought some clothes for the baby. The hand-me-downs from his brother are different seasons.
Happy Easter.
Albert Schweitzer
Hi Evie,
I'm so sorry your daughter s struggling right now. I've struggled with some mental health issues in the past, and also have worked in a psychiatric hospital as well. Hopefully, she'll be compliant in taking prescribed medications. A lot of mental health problems are because of our brain chemistry, which is why medications can help. Then there is the stress of working on a degree. I've done that twice. That stress alone can push some people over the edge.
When I was completing my Masters in Social Work, I had a two month health crisis, and couldn't focus on all of my classwork. I spoke with one of my professors and asked for an extension on completing that semester's work. I was honest about the health crisis, and she was totally supportive of me turning in my projects and papers at a reasonable later date.
I hope your daughter is on the road to recovery.
God bless.
Albert Schweitzer
Good Morning,
I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's loss. That's awful. I hope the weather is okay for them to live in the motor home. I'll be praying for her, especially for the emotional twists that come from such a trauma.
Albert Schweitzer
While it's good to see you I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter. I'm glad they have her in the hospital, hopefully they can get her on medication to help her, sounds like she may be depressed. Actually it may be better for her to not worry about school for awhile and to concentrate on her mental health for awhile. A very dear young man, who was the father of my great grand daughter took his life before she was even a year old. She will never know her daddy and the loss has turned his mother into a raging alcoholic. Your daughter needs professional help to learn how to deal with life because as you and I know it only gets harder even with God at the helm. I will put you and your family on my prayer list, I hope she will listen to the medical professionals and get priorities straight. God bless hon!!!!\
My youngest daughter took an overdose yesterday. Thank God her girlfriend was there and made her throw up. I am in WV and she is in Mi. She has been throw so much in the past few months, she just told me last week she could not take it anymore. She was put in the hospital today and is very upset about being there, she does not see she needs help, she is crying and so sad. Please pray for her and my family. Pray that the Dr will let her use her labtop, she needs to finish her degree this week. She is very upset about her schooling. She will be a cpa, if they let her finish this week.
God Bless
Asking for prayer for my friend and cleaning lady who had a fire in her home Fri. in the middle of the night. Thankfully her dogs woke her up and she stumbled out in the snow with nothing but her nightie on and called the fire dept., they got their very quickly but the inside of her house is completely destroyed from smoke and fire damage. Thankfully again they do have insurance for a good amount and a motor home they can live in while dealing with insurance and replacing everything. None the less it is still going to be a trauma dealing with replacing everything plus she is a quilter and scrap booker so some of those things can't be replaced. So be thankful if you have a roof over your head tonite, you never know what life will bring your way!
Oh finding a new doc is such a pain I can't imagine having to find more than one! My dear favorite doc that I've had for the last 6 yrs closed his practice and I had to find a new one. I was sooo fortunate that the clinic my pulmonary doc is at opened a branch right here in my little town so I checked there and found a great doc who had no problem continuing my pain meds (that was my biggest fear) just had to meet with her and sign a pain contract. I have no problem doing that, I've never been tempted to over use or abuse any of my pain meds. I pray you have the same good luck I did and find docs you can feel happy with!
I'd appreciate continued prayer for my health. Since moving, I've had three sinus infections. I've only been here for five weeks. Plus, I had one at my sister's in January. I see a new ENT doctor this morning.
Plus, I've not been happy with the first two doctors I've met so far, a hematologist and a family doctor. I confess that I was spoiled by the superb doctors I had back in Pennsylvania. I just never expected the doctors here to be so different in the way they do things.
In addition to the ENT, hematologist, and family doctor, I also need to see a weight loss surgeon, and a pain specialist. Eventually, I need to see a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist, I'm just not rushing to see those last two just yet.
The health issues I'm dealing with are chronic and ongoing, and won't go away I have to accept that part of my life. I just loved my docs back in Pennsylvania and didn't expect it to be this hard to find docs here in Michigan,
Albert Schweitzer