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Oh my you've had quite a week. I would think the city would still be responsible since they were the cause of damage. That's such a shame to lose what few belongings you have. Sure hope the iron helps there's nothing worse than feeling worn out all the time. I'm doing better but still weak, this bout really kicked my butt. I'm praying they will OK me for portable oxygen when I go to the docs today so I can get around better. You take care and hope you get a big burst of energy soon!
I could have sworn I replied to this post yesterday. Hmmm. OH is testing my patience.
I was't on my computer much ove the weekend. First I was helping my daughter price Isabel's old clothes for a Mom-2-Mom sale. Then, I was working in my basement, and that was so discouraging. Plus, I have no energy due to my pitiful iron levels. I spent most of today getting a huge IV iron infusion. Between the pre-medication and the iron infusion, I was at my hematologist's office from 8:30 till 3:00. It was a huge bag of iron. Back in Pennsylvania, I would get 5 small infusions, one a week. Here, they do two big ones, which take longer to get. The good news is, I'm in a private room, with a LaZBoy recliner, and my own TV to watch. Back in PA, I was in a large, open room, with a lot of other patients, mostly chemotherapy patients. No privacy, and there were two TV monitors, only on ABC network. I prefer a private room, where nobody knows my business.
Did I tell you about my basement being flooded with raw sewage, destroying a lot of my belongings? I spoke with the city's insurance person, and I won't be getting any money for my damaged property. The cause of the back-up was not the city's fault. There was a blockage in the city's line, and it backed up raw sewage into my basement.
I'm exhausted. It usually takes a few days to feel better after an iron infusion. Plus, I was going to take Utley for a walk, when it started to rain, and that was it, because it turned into a full blown thunderstorm fast.
Night Night.
Albert Schweitzer
Whew home at last! Feels so good to be home in my own bed. I'm so very thankful for all the prayers and God's mighty healing!!
Thanks Trish I needed this today! I'm getting (letting myself) stress about getting O2 to get home with and just from being tired of being in the hospital. I bounce between believing in God to handle it all and the Arrggg satan keeps trying to put in my head. I just have to let myself lean back on the Lord's loving arms to bring me peace and calm! So thanks for the reminder my friend!!! Look forward to your further post, sounds intresting!
Good Morning Karen,
I typed a long reply on Tuesday night, and lost it when I hit Submit. Argh! I told OH about it.
My reply was even a story about my mentor in Pennsylvania, who is now with Jesus, and how she was such a role model to me, without even knowing it, on how to handle serious illness with joy and peace. She fought cancer with those two Fruit of the Spirit extremely evident. She gave a testimony of how she believed the Lord had allowed her cancer to return, in her lungs and brain, because she was to be a missionary to all of the medical professionals she encountered in her treatment.
She gave this testimony on Mothers Day, just months before she went home to heaven, I remember praying for that same joy and peace when dealing with any illnesses, BEFORE I went on Disability. Well, after last year's horrible fall, surgeries, and pain from it all, I can say He gave that joy and peace to me. A woman at church sent me a card, sharing how I encouraged her when I shared how God had worked in my life while I dealt with everything.
I will share more of what God is up to later today.
Sending hugs and prayers,
Albert Schweitzer
Well I ended up in the ER last night, came in by ambulance and was diagnosed with pneumonia. No wonder I felt so awful. Anyway doing better now that I'm on antibiotics and IV prednisone. Keep up the prayers as I'm still sick but at least now we are treating it. Thanks for your prayers!
Sorry it took me so long to reply. Now that baseball season is here, my laptop is used to watch my Phillies games online. Plus, I am barely home some days.
I'll definitely be praying fo you. I only have asthma, but understand what it feels to not be able to breath. Hope you're feeling better soon, and that you husband's biopsy is benign.
Albert Schweitzer
I have a prayer request too, I have COPD and my lungs are all congested. I just started on some prednisone and sent in a sputum sample for culture. I'm just so tired of being sick all the time and to top it off hubby is having prostate issues and going in for biopsy in a few weeks so I need to be able to help him for a change. He's always there for me in all my illnesses and I need to be healthy enough to help him now. Plus it's sooo scary to have trouble breathing, you feel like you are gonna drown or suffocate. So friends I need your prayers for strength and courage and for healing. Thanking you in advance!
I have to giggle, between you and me we keep God busy full time! Yep does sound very much like gall bladder. I had mine out a couple of years ago and it wasn't really a bad surgery as surgeries go. I had one the size of a golf ball and it was really painful but had immediate relief once it was out. Prayers that it will be very evident and they can get it removed ASAP.
It's me again. I'm beginning to find my chronic health issues humorous, However, I have a new one. Yippee! Last week, I started having severe pain under my right ribcage. Saw a doc at an urgent care office, and they think it's my gall bladder. I can't get an ultrasound till Thursday, so I'd appreciate prayer that the ultrasound would clearly show the problem, and that I'd have peace with whatever has to be done. I'm dealing with entirely new doctors, so this is all happening a little too fast for me. Plus, I have to get reapproved to get a very important medication for free before any possible surgery is scheduled.
God must think I'm stronger than I think I am. Plus, if this happened back home, in PA, I'd have no anxiety. I trusted all my doctors back there. I don't know my doctors here. I must totally trust God is in 100% control of this situation, because I'm not confident with the humans handling this issue with me.
Albert Schweitzer