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I saw a gastroenterologist this week, and he has ordered an endoscopy, but they can't get me in till June 21st. In the meantime, I had an abdominal ultrasound a few weeks ago, and they didn't see any gall stones. My gastro doctor said if I don't have any ulcers, He could order a test to examine my gall bladder closer. In the meantime, I looked up gall bladder symptoms online, and I had all of them on one website. I had my gastric bypass surgery over six years ago, and today was the first time I vomited. I've barely eaten all day, because of constant nausea, dry heaves, and vomiting.
This weekend is my new church's 175th anniversary, and we have several meals and services Saturday and Sunday. Please pray I get to attend it all. I really want to get to know people.
Also, I'll be calling the gastro doctor's office first thing Monday, to be put on a waiting list to try to move my appointment up, coz I don't think I can make it till June 21st.
Albert Schweitzer
PRAISE GOD. Wow, 7 yrs. Thank the Lord. This makes both of my daughters that has gave there live to the Lord. I only have 2 girls. Sarah is new and still needs a lot of prower, but don' we all. mLike I said stand on the word of God for your daughter, it will come to pass his word tells us so.
God Blss
Praise the Lord that is awesome!! My daughter is pagen so I totally understand where you ladies are coming from. My granddaughter was using meth and and came to live with us, one of the conditions was she go to church with us. She was glad to since she had gone since a little one. One of her first visits she asked to be rebaptized because now she truly understood what she was doing. She has been clean now for 7 years and still goes to church, she found one she loves that is more contemporary and closer. So I see God working in her all the time. Like the rest of us she's not perfect but she tries her best. One day I know my daughter will come back too!
Hi Thank you very much.
Don't worry I have found out the ones that say they are Atheists are the first ones when something happens, they ask for prayer. It mostly is just big talk. Just stand on God's word, he does not lie. Your sons will come back to God, that is what the word tells us so stand on it. Act as if you never heard them say they don't believe in God, you will see a difference, Just keep praying and believing the bible. In Jesus name.
God Bless
Hi Evie,
Praise the Lord. That is awesome news. I am thrilleed for you, and your daughter.
I know my heart's desire is that my sons would return to the Lord. They are professed Atheists. They both accepted Christ in as young children, and wer active in children's and youth activities at church growing up.
I know you're happy. I'll pray for her.
Albert Schweitzer
A few weeks ago I ask for prayer for my daughter, Sarah, she was in a deep depression, overdosed, really in bad shape.
Well PRAISE GOD Sarah gave her life to Jesus on week ago this past Sun. Sarah is like a new person. She is very happy in the Lord well so is her family. Sarah was babtized that same day. Thank u all for praying. Thank u Jesus for answering.
God Bless
Oh I hear you on both counts! I just broke a tooth and the one next to it is so loose I can wiggle it with my tongue! My dentist wants me to go to the oral surgeon but I can't afford that (like you, no dental) so I sit here with 2 teeth already gone on my right side and now broken and loose teeth. Why is it when we are young and don't need dental we have it yet when we are old and the teeth are wearing out we got nothin'? Just isn't right!
There is a generic for lovonox but it is still expensive. Most pharmacutical places have financial hardship progams. If you contact the manufacturer of lovonox maybe you can get some at a big reduced price. It might take awhile to do but your pharmacist should be able to steer you to the right program. I do fortunately have a drug program so I try to plan ahead then I can get a months worth for $40 instead of $1000. It must just kill them to lose that much money instead of charging me an arm and a leg!
Will be praying all works out for you!
I have a prayer need that involves my health and finances. I'm on Coumadin, which means every time I have dental work, or get a cortisone shot, I have to go off it, and go on Lovenox injections. Now that I'm on Medicare, I don't have a Part D prescription plan. I have one from my teachers union, which is great for all the medications I'm on, but bad because it doesn't cover injectables, which is what Lovenox is. Unfortunately, They cost $100 an injection, and I normally 10. I just had a shot in my back last week. I need another in several weeks, plus now I have a cracked tooth, and a crown came out. I am already missing a slew of teeth already. I can't afford crown work with my dental plan, so I'm going to have to find a dentist and see about getting some teeth removed and partials.
I was hoping to start saving for a down payment on a house, but that ain't going to happen anytime soon with all these medical expenses.
Please pray.
Albert Schweitzer
I had it in my lungs and was in the hospital for a week being pumped with prednisone and super strong antibiotics so I know what you are going thru. I did get rid of it but it took some really strong antibiotics to do it. I also have or had a MAC virus for awhile but that seems to be settled down too. My doc said if they didn't settle down I would have to do 18-24 mos of several really strong antibiotics, wasn't looking forward to that so glad it settled down! I hope this nose spray does the trick for you it's definately no fun to have.
Hi Everyone,
I've been feeling so blessed, I didn't want to focus on some bad news I got a few weeks ago.
I've been having sinus allergy issues for decades, and have had four surgeries, with no relief. Well, now, I've learned the reason is I have MRSA in my sinuses. At my last ENT appointment, I was given instructions on how to treat it, but got sicker. So my doctor ordered a an antibiotic compound which has to be squirt in my nose. It takes forever to do it, and it wasn't covered by my prescription plan, and wasn't cheap, at a time of the month when I'm broke.
I've told one other Christian forum, and my sister, so far. I wash my hands, or sanitize them constantly, because I'm constantly blowing my nose. I don't intend to share with many more people.
Albert Schweitzer