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I know there are a lot of people that self-medicate, but in my case, I was an alcoholic from my teen years. I did self-medicate a lot during my relapse, as it was such an inviting alternative to the extreme pain I have had.
Albert Schweitzer
I will continue to pray about this issue for you. I hate when my asthma kicks up. I definitely empathize with your dilemma to some extent.
I would appreciate prayer, as I am awaiting a check from my former school district, and really could use that money for all the dental work I need. I have insurance, but it is a joke, other than cleaning and fillings. I need crowns and bridges, and the co-pay is ridiculous.
I am not sure if I shared, but my sis-in-law is getting married in July. She has been widowed since my brother died three years ago. I learned that my ex and his wife will be at the wedding, and realized that I have not forgiven myself for the damage I did in our marraige, and really need to do that big time.
Thanks for your faithfulness.
Albert Schweitzer
June 1
A Compass for Life’s Journey
If you’ve ever been lost in the woods, you know the concerns, confusion, and panic this situation causes. Now think what a difference it would have made to know that a compass was in your pocket.
Spiritually speaking, we have such a compass—God’s Word. But it does no good unless we let it guide us. Yet at times, we may fail to follow its direction because of . . .
1. Neglect. Sometimes we are so busy walking through life that we forget to look at God’s compass to make sure we’re headed in the right direction.
2. Pride. Oftentimes we want to determine the destiny ourselves. Relying on our own strength, understanding, and abilities, we plan our own route.
3. Distractions. God’s path of obedience isn’t always easy. In fact, sometimes it can be extremely challenging. Satan offers other trails that promise pleasure and ease if we will just ignore the compass and follow him. Although these trails seem pleasant at first, they lead to heartbreak and discouragement.
4. Difficulties. Whenever obstacles appear on the trail, our natural tendency is to try and find a way around them. But by ignoring God’s compass and stepping off the path, we’ll miss the blessings He wants to give us through the rough patches—strong faith and godly character.
Why should we wander when the Lord’s compass is available? Let Scripture be your guide on life’s journey. God promises to give you productive days and fruitful years if you follow His path. He’ll direct each step of your way, and His peace will sustain you, even during the difficult times
Albert Schweitzer
Sorry to be so morbid.
I could use prayer for a drug screening I am required to get tomorrow for a new job, which is a praise. I am taking Percocet for my chronic pain, and PRAISE the Lord, I am not tempted to abuse it, nor drink. I did tell the hospital I was hired by that I am taking the medicaiton. They said that if it comes up positive, which it probably will, I will need to produce a note from my doctor stating that I am prescribed the drug and the dosage. I called the doctor's office and requested the note. My doctor would not be in tomorrow, but the Nurse Practioner will be, and she has helped me a lot in the past year. I am hoping she does not mind producing the note.
The praise is I can work for nine months while on Social Security Disability, as a trial period to see if I am healthy enough to return to the workforce. I am looking forward to being a per diem social worker, something I went to grad school to do, but never actually did yet, though I have worked in mental health since grad school, just not as a social worker.
Albert Schweitzer
Monday, May 30, 2011
Read | Proverbs 28:26
Believers are to walk by faith, according to 2 Corinthians 5:7. However, with so many voices clamoring for us to follow worldly paths, we sometimes struggle to hear and apply God’s wisdom. For example, our natural impulse to withhold mercy is hard to ignore, even though the Lord demands that we forgive (Eph. 4:32).
Godly wisdom is the capacity to view things as the Lord does and to respond according to biblical principles. This discernment isn’t automatic. Yes, God’s Spirit lives inside believers to prompt them to do right. However, each individual chooses whether or not to pursue the wise way.
If a person is going to walk wisely, he or she must commit to remaining on the right path—that is, to determine in the heart, “I will follow God no matter what." Pleasing the Lord and conforming to His likeness are always the right things to do.
Resolving to honor the Lord transforms the way that believers make decisions. Instead of following instincts or impulses, I choose to seek God’s viewpoint in a given situation. Moreover, rather than relying on other people’s advice, I choose to search Scripture for verification of what I hear Him saying to me. As a result, the Holy Spirit’s quiet voice becomes easier to discern, and those worldly shouts fade.
You have a loving heavenly Father who honors the heartfelt commitment to walk according to His will. God assumes responsibility for offering His children sought-after wisdom and enabling them to keep walking on the right path (Prov. 3:5-6). Following Him is always the best decisi
Albert Schweitzer
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I have been busy, and not on the computer much. I had posted a request about moving closer to my daughter. Well, she and I had a really good talk, and I won't be moving in the near future, for a lot of complicated reasons. It's all good, just complicated. I will plan more trips to visit them though.
I am praying for you, Karen. My asthma has been acting up a lot lately with allergies and such, so I appreciate your need to breath freely.
Albert Schweitzer