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Patricia R.
on 7/16/13 9:31 am - Perry, MI
Topic: Car Repair Prayer Request

I would definitely appreciate prayer.  On the way to Pennsylvania, my car's air conditioning started acting up, and when I got here my brakes were squealing.  I had it in the garage today, and in addition to the brakes and an oil change, they said my air conditioner needed over $800 of repairs, plus my tires wouldn't pass PA inspection, if it were still registered here.  I couldn't afford either, since the brakes and oil change emptied my bank account.  I have no savings, and will definitely need the tires replaced when I get back to Michigan.  I hope my daughter will take me to Sam's to get them.  I'm also hoping I can get the repairs to the air conditioner cheaper in Michigan, but may not be able to fix it till September.

Please pray for milder weather as I drive back to Michigan, a milder summer when I get there, coz right now we're in a brutal heatwave, and a financial miracle.  I'm rather discouraged, and can't really afford to replace this car right now.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 7/12/13 6:28 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Serious Prayer Request

Oh no that's awful! I'll add him to my prayer list. I hope he recovers quickly and fully!


Patricia R.
on 7/11/13 12:10 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: Serious Prayer Request

I'd appreciate prayer for my son, Chris.  He and his wife, Casey, were in bad car accident on Sunday, June 30th.  Their car was totaled.  But worse than that, Chris has had a bad concussion since then.  He saw a neurologist a couple days ago, and was instructed not to return to work this week, and to only work half days next week.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 7/6/13 2:47 pm - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Test Results

Ooops I better get that package in the mail pronto!!! I've been sick yet again but finally feeling better, even went grocery shopping with hubby today. So I'll get it mailed Mon. You will feel soooooo much better and hey almost anybody can remove a GB it's basic general surgery. I'll be praying for you!


Patricia R.
on 7/6/13 10:47 am - Perry, MI
Topic: Test Results

The hida scan I had done at the end of June shows I need gall bladder surgery.  Since I'm leaving for Pennsylvania for two weeks, it'll have to be after I return.  I briefly considered having it done while I'm there, because I adore my weight loss surgeon, because he's called me when he's learned I've been hospitalized, to check on me.  But after being at my sisters to recover from my foot surgery in the winter, I want to recover in my home here, with my puppy by me side.

Please pray as I have to trust a total stranger, a new surgeon, do this surgery.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 6/28/13 5:37 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Waiting for test results

I'll be praying they can yank that GB out and be done with it. I know I immediately felt better once it was out. Mine had been bad for quite awhile but I'm on so much pain medication I didn't really feel it till I had a golf ball sized stone. So hopefully yours is gone sooner rather than later.

Patricia R.
on 6/27/13 7:41 am - Perry, MI
Topic: Waiting for test results

As many of you may remember, I've been dealing with all of the symptoms of a sick gall bladder.  I had an ultrasound, which came up negative.  Last week, I had an endoscopy, which showed no ulcer.  Well, today, I had a hida scan, which is a nuclear medicine test, to check how my gall bladder is functioning.  From start to fini**** took a total of 90 minutes of laying flat on my back, after they injected radioactive dye in an IV.  After an hour, they injected synthetic fat into the IV, to make the liver and gall bladder process it while the scan is taking place.  It takes 3-4 business days before my doctor gets the results.  I'm praying it is the gall bladder, so I can just get it removed, and be done with these awful, annoying symptoms.  

Please pray I get an answer soon, so I know I'm not just imagining the indigestion, nausea, and pain.  This has been going on for a long time, building to more frequent symptoms, and worse symptoms.  



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 6/26/13 8:25 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Day 7

Poor guy! Can't they zap it with a laser or something to break them up more so they will pass? I'm sure I've read where they can do that somehow, obviously something is stopping them from passing! Mine have never lasted that long, never more than 10-12 hrs. Still praying tho that they will do something to speed up the process!

Oh yeah praise the Lord for prednisone, it really helps! I've been on it for months tho now and I don't want to start developing some of the nastier side effects. I've gained about 20 lbs but I can deal with that when I feel better. It usually comes off when I go off the drug tho neve been on it this long before so we'll see. I just want to feel healthier for a change. I'm making a list of quiestions to e mail my doc because I don't think he realizes how much this is impacting my quality of life. I'm sure others have it much worse but this isn't where I want to be and if it is going to be permanent then I'm gonna need an attitude adjustment and if not I need to get my but in serious gear and lose weight so my poor lungs don't have to work as hard! This too shall pass!

on 6/26/13 8:15 am - Vancouver, WA
Topic: RE: Me again

Thanks hun, glad you found your way here! Were not very busy but I stop by everyday to check for posts. I'm doing even better today and the doc called in a kick butt antibiotic since my xray did have a tiny hazy spot but they couldn't tell if it was from the previous pneumonia or a new one starting but this should stop it if it's new. Hope you and  your sleeve are getting along better and learning to be friends now! kiss

Patricia R.
on 6/26/13 3:40 am - Perry, MI
Topic: Day 7

Please continue to pray for Trent, my son-in-law.  Today is day 7 of the pain with the kidney stones, and not one has passed.  He did go back to the doctor, and got more pain meds.  The doc said it could take weeks before they all pass.  

Unfortunately, he had to return to work, as he is the family's sole source of steady income.  He works for himself, so no paid sick days.  My daughter does do some part time babysitting during the day.  The praise there is that the children she watches are friends, classmates, of my older grandchildren.  Plus, she has a four foot pool, not big, just the right size for the kids that use it.

I took two quarts of strawberries over to their house this morning.  I'd gone to a local strawberry farm yesterday, and bought some fresh picked berries.  It was raining when I got back to our neighborhood, so I waited to go over then.  This morning, the weather was perfect for a bike ride, so I took a ride over.  

Karen, I hope you're doing better today.  I was pleased to learn you're back on the prednisone taper.  When my asthma flares, I am very grateful for that med.

God bless.  All prayers are appreciated.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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