Thursday morning coffee talk
Good Thursday morning everyone! It's time to rise and shine! What a beautiful day it's going to be. The sun isn't up yet, but I CHOOSE to make this day beautiful. Whether it rains, snows, storms, whatever the case may be. I'm not letting anything or anyone make this day ugly. You know, we have that power? WE HONESTLY DO! We can make it a beautiful day or an ugly day. NO! I know we aren't in control of the weather, but we are in control of our lives and our emotions. So, that's my challenge for you today. Make this day a beautiful day! See if it don't make you feel better!
WHO'S UP!? What cha drinking? Me? I'm sipping on some STRONG Chocolate Macadamia Nut Coffee! It is SOOOOO GOOD too!
I am not going to wish you a good day today, because I know if you accept my challenge you will!
Just be blessed and go make your day beautiful! Randall 

Good morning Randall,
It is so good to have a few minutes to post. After getting the kids on the bus for school I usually have about 10-15 minutes before I leave for work. The only problem is that I should be doing my devotion during that time, but instead I choose to lurk on the messageboards. I shouldn't substitute the christianity board for my bible study, so I am going to change my habits. Only I can do that, it is no one else's fault. This is a beautiful day in the Lord, so I'll make the decision on what should be most important and I'll post more later. The saying goes..."if the devil doesn't make you bad, he'll make you busy" Lots of love. Have a blessed and beautiful day!!!