Roller coaster of emotions....
Hello my dear OH family~
I had a brief moment this morning to send out a quick update on what has been happening. As some of you know, we have been in and out of the hospitals with my father and yesterday we decided to finally take him off of dialysis so that he can rest a little more comfortably before going home to Our Father. They are saying that with all of his diagnosis that will be a matter of days before he can finally rest peacefully along side Our Lord. My mother and I were the ones to make the final determination yesterday and it broke our hearts but I looked at her later and I told her that it was the most selfless thing that we could have ever done for him. We were crying, and I told her that these are tears of joy. He is going to finally be rid of the pain and suffering that has truly gone on for too long now. We are all taking comfort in the fact that God is watching over all of us and is going to have another one of His children come home to Him.
After making a good portion of phone calls, I received a call on my cell phone. I almost died. It was my surgeon's office. They were calling to let me know that the insurance had just called and approved my surgery. I was in such shock and disbelief. Again I started crying. I scheduled my surgery for June 20th and thanked Keri from my surgeon's office and told her that the news couldn't have come at a better time. I explained to her what we just did and the kind soul that she is said that she would pray for my father and our family. That right there let me know again that when God closes one window that he definitely opens another one.
So, I am asking if you could all keep us in your prayers as we celebrate the last days here on earth that my father will be with us and then celebrate his final going home to the loving arms of Our Father.
I love you all, you are giving me great strength right now knowing that you are all there for me.
Thank you for your love and support.
Your sister in Christ,
Hi Jenna. We just went through a similar instance with my husband's step-dad who died Sunday morning. He lived without dialysis for 10 days which is much longer than we anticipated but he died very peacefully and in no pain. The funeral was today and it was a celebration of where he is now- his heavenly home! His son Mike and his wife sang acapella "Take My Hand, Precious Lord" and a sheriff from our neighboring county also sang acapella, "His Eye is on the Sparrow" and "Amazing Grace". It was a wonderful service, albeit a difficult one, but we are rejoicing that he is Home.
May the Lord give you strength and above all, His comfort in the days ahead.
Hi Jeanna;
Sorry I missed your IM last night. Sweetheart I am rejoicing with you...with everything. I praise God that your father has a personal relationship with Jesus and knows that this is not an's a begining for eternity. I'm overcome with joy that your surgery was approved and you have a date!!
Oh Jeanna,
I'm so sorry that you have to go through the pain of your father's death. But you are taking comfort in knowing that he will be in the loving arms of our gracious Heavenly Father. He will have no more pain, but will be wrapped in the love of our Creator. Jeanna, you and your family are in my prayers right now. May The Lord bless and comfort you during this time of trial.
God bless you,
Jeanna, Please know you, your Mom, and your family are in my prayers. I can relate with you guys all to close. I lost my wife in January. I KNOW she is at home with our heavenly father. We may not always understand why they aren't healed here on earth, but God has a plan and a purpose in ALL things. God bless you all.
Congratulations on the upcoming surgery though. That is great news. You are about to embark on the journey of a lifetime. It is an awsome ride. Randall 

Hi Jeanna!
I am praying for you and your family, dear. It is a very hard choice to make to let someone go. As a nurse, I have had to watch many people go through the same thing you are. But, you are is the most selfless thing you can do. His suffering will end...and you will be able to rejoice that he is with our Father and that he is in pain no more!
I am so excited for you getting your approval! That is awesome! If I can help you with anything...answer any questions...please IM me at gr8moma on msn or yahoo...or just email me using the link below. I know right now is a stressful time for you...but try to take care of yourself. I can't wait to hear about your progress on your new journey!
Take care,

I'm so sorry that you are having such a difficult time! Isn't it wonderful that we have the assurance of eternal life with Jesus and the knowledge that we will see our loved ones again!?
You and I will share our re-birthday! I had my surgery last June 20. I'm down 88 pounds and am wearing size 6's!!!! Check out my profile for the latest pics.
I'll be praying for you and your family.