Hump Day Coffee Talk
Happy "HUMP" day everyone. We are at the 1/2 way mark for the week. I hope you slept good last night. I didn't wake up at all during the night.
I'm liking this!
I've been up a while, done 2 loads of clothes and emptied the dishwasher. I'm ready to
this morning. My son Torey got his license yesterday.
and :angst......too many emotions about this one!
He IS a safe driver, but he's still young and my BABY! Yeah, us guys have babies too! Kinda hard to let him drive w/o me!
My challenge for you today is to "Keep It Real". I hear young people around my house and at church saying this phrase and it has stuck in my mind. Keep it real?!? Yes, we can keep it real by being true to ourselves. Being true! Be YOU! Don't try to be anyone else. By being you, you keep it real and everyone around you can tell you are confident in YOU! Be true to yourself and BE YOURSELF! KEEP IT REAL!
SO! Who's up? What cha drinking this morning? Me? I'm having my Hawiian Hazelnut again this morning. It is so good. Nothing like that first cup of coffee in the a.m. That first sip. YUM!
I hope you guys have a wonderful and blessed Wednesday! Randall 

Well Randall....I cannot have coffee yet, my surgery was Apr 25....I am having trouble just drinking anything right now. But I'd like to add something to the keep it real.....Keep it Truth....will keep it real and you real. we are all at different stages in our walk with the Lord but I have found that being transparent in the Lord will help others to be so also.
I have a 35 yr old daughter that we went through the driving with (her dad did it not me) and we have a 13 yr old that is counting the years till she drives. So I can relate. Just pray.....
In Christ,
Joan M