Monday Morning coffee talk
Good morning to my OH Bama Family! I hope each of you had a WONDERFUL and BLESSED weekend! We did around here. Torey spent the weekend with Joie's sister. Allison spent Saturday with her and was ready to come home at 6 p.m.! She loves her daddy and can't stay away at night yet. I missed Torey! I was glad when he got home last night!
My challenge to you today is to seek wisdom. Do you have a decision in life to make?
New job? School? Home? Maybe even about a spouse. I challenge you! Ask and seek for wisdom. God promised that if we lacked wisdom, HE would give it to us FREELY!
SO!? Who's up? What cha drinking? Me? I'm having Creme Brulee with Wal-Mart's knock off to Rich's Creamer. Only 98 cents.
I hope you have a wonderful, glorious, and BLESSED day! Randall