I'm sorry....
Hey everyone! Please forgive me. I didn't mean to ditch ya'll. Thanks for the prayers. We are doing good, considering. God is a faithful God and He NEVER ceases to amaze me. Most days I draw strength from Torey (son) and Allison (daughter). If you can understand what I mean. Of course God IS my strength, but they (kids) touch me in so many ways. God has blessed us with an awesome peace that only comes from HIM. He said in HIS Word he would do this and God is not a man that HE would lie. What an awesome Father we serve. We miss Joie EVERY DAY and there are days that I want to stay in bed with the covers over my head and not get out, BUT GOD reminds me he is there, that He has me in HIS hands, that He is my fortress, that HE is my sheild, that HE is my comfort, that HE is the one who will sustain me. God has and is all we EVER need. He said in HIS Word that He would supply ALL our need. Not just financial, but mentally, physically and emotionally. HE IS FAITHFUL! Again, thank you so much for your prayers. I pray God's richest blessings on all of you and your families! Randall