Please pray for me and my husband
Hi everyone!! Hope everyone had a blessed day!
Ok, here is my story. My husband and I have managed to dig ourselves into a hole financially(and I am pre-op)But this is causing a very BIG strain on our marriage, as if it isn't hard enough already.I handle almost all of our finances, so this feels like it is all my fault. Although he helps makes the decisions. We both make poor decisions when it comes to our money. My dh hasn't been to church with me for uuuuhhh I don't remember when and I haven't been in a few weeks. I was overdrawn in my checking account today(my house pymt bounced, of all things) and now he is upset with me because of that and I didn't go get HIS pop at the store. I guess I am wondering if ya'all think I am getting what I deserve for not going to church?? That is what it feels like, like everything that can go wrong IS!!! Just please pray for us in our spiritual life, our marriage and our finances. And my peace of mind. Sorry I was rambling and that this is so long. Thanks for letting me vent! I really have no one here to talk to anymore.
Thanks again and God Bless you
Tracy LeAnn

Oh Tracy,
Do not feel this is all happening to you because you have not went to church. The Lord does not punish us that way. Pray for the Lord about your money situation and trust in him to take care of it for you. The power of prayer truly does amaze me. Every marriage has issues..I am sure being pre op probably adds to your emotional state because that is one more thing for you to be concerned with. I know it happens to me. Pray that the Lord will draw nearer to you at this time of struggle and that you may feel his presence. It is amazing when you trust in the Lord how things change in your life. Good luck with all you do and may God be with you during this time.
God's blessings,
I don't think you're being "punished" for missing church. Try to put things into order to get some control on the situation. Do you have a budget? Do you know what you're taking in a month and paying out? If not, gage this'd be shocked at how much money disappears when you don'****ch where it goes. Have you ever heard of Dave Ramsey? His program to eliminate debt and manage finances was a life saver for our marriage! Look him up on the internet, or better yet, see if his courses are offered in your area and take one! Stop the blame game, it does not help. You both contribute to the problem and you're both responsible to come up with a solution. In many marriages, where there's smoke (money troubles) there's fire (control and power struggles, communication problems). Don't give Satan a foothold! Good luck and bring it to the Lord in prayer and ask for His will and then be obedient.