HELP.. Scale has stopped moving.
My weight has not changed one bit over the last three weeks. One week I even went UP 3 pounds!! I am three months out from surgery. Needless to say I am very upset, feeling depressed and have even cried a little over this
. I have been maintaining my protein, water, and vitamin intake and also getting my exercise in. Someone please advise. This is my first (hopefully only) plateau and I am very discouraged..

Hi Freda, Try not to get to discouraged. Plateau's are a normal, natural part of losing weight. You will start losing again. Make sure you are getting in enough calories. If you don't get in at least 600 calories a day your body will go into starvation mode. It will hold on to everything you take in and won't let you lose weight. Also make sure you are getting proper amount's of protein, fat's and carbs. Make sure it's the good kind of carb's., like what you get from fruit and veggies, dried bean's and lentil's. In reality you will have many plateaus. It's just your bodies way of adjusting to the changes that are being made to your system. When I was 1 month out I had a stricture. They gave me fluids when I was in the hospital for it. I gained 12 pounds. My surgeon said don't worry about it it's just from the I.V. fluids they gave you, it will come right back off. SIX WEEKS LATER I still hadn't lost one ounce!!! Finally at the begining of my seventh week, I got on the scale and lost 4 pound's. I have lost an average of 4 to 5 pounds a week ever since, And to think I was so concerned that I would be one of the very few people that this didn't work for. I lost 67#'s pre-op and 85#'s post-op, for a total of `152#'s. It worked for me and it will work for you too. Take a deep breath and relax. It may take several more weeks, it may only take another day or two, but you will start losing again. Try to hang in there Freda. You can do this. The Lord brought you to this, and He will bring you through it.
God bless you,
Annette L.