I know that noone is here with it being the biggest christian holiday of all but I've got a little time. Let me tell you the story first.
I have an autistic daughter that is on ssi and therefore gets medicaid. We got a letter today that we have an appointment to review her case. They got a computer match of her dad's income. We have known for a while that he was making over the limit but not enough for us to supply faith's needs without the medicaid. She takes medication that she absolutlely can't be without. 1 cost over 300.00 and 1 cost nearly 200.00 and the other 200.00 as well.That's 700.00 amonth just for that. Then she has weekly theropy with a psychologist and then a visit to the psycistrist once a month for the prescriptions for the 700.00 worth of medication. I have no clue what those visits cost cause medicaid pays 100% so I never get a statement or bill for her. We make just enough to disqualify us for the free meds from the drug companies.(tried that for me before I got a prescription card because of medicare part d). My husband ask me where is God and why is this happening. That worries me because you would have to know him for it to be a strange question. He is the strong one, but I hear little hints of him losing his faith. He already hates prosperity preaching cause he says it don't work. Any way please pray over this. It would be one thing if it happened to my husband or I but this is a little special needs girl, she is innocent, as pure hearted as can be. She loves God. Her little life is such a struggle as it is, now this. Please we live in Texas and if any one knows of a way we can get her the help she needs in the event they strip her of everthing please e-mail me. Thanks pam
Hi Pam!
I will certainly keep you in prayer, dear. There is a lot going on! I have an idea for you to check into. I know that in my state...and many others...there are several different types of medicaid. There is one that sometimes is not advertised as much called spend down medicaid. You become eligible after you have accumulated significant medical expenses per their guidelines. Also, a similar program that is offered through social services where I live is called SLH...or state and local hospital. It is a program that covers you in case you need to be admitted into the hospital or emergency care, and usually has to be renewed every six months. It would not hurt to look into your state and see if they offer similar things! I know that you said you have tried some of the presciption programs before, but keep trying and explain your situation. I am including a link for some programs in your state. Maybe there is something that you have not tried yet???? Also, not for profit hospitals are required to give a certain amount of aid to members of the community as far as hospital bills go. It would not hurt to talk to the financial department at the hospital if you have bills. I know it is a pain, but if it gets the bill off of your back and keeps the collectors away...it is worth it. I am a registered nurse, and one of my jobs was to assist people just like you in Virginia....to try and get them what they need. I will do what I can to help you. If I think of anything else I will let you know...Wish I knew more about TX...Keep your eyes on God. He is the provider, and he will see you through this. Here is a verse that has gotten me through some rough times. I posted this all around the house to remind me what my focus should be...and that I was not alone.
1 Peter 4:12-19
12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.
Take Care,

Here is the link I meant to leave for you! Sorry! I also got your email. VA has a similar program to the one you are mentioning...though it is not medicaid. It is still sponsored by the state, and here I believe it is called FAMIS...or it used to be. It is the same program that the teachers here in the state get...blue cross...but at a much more reasonable rate. I hope that it all works out for you! If you continue to have problems, please know that many churches are more than willing to help. I have been through a hurricane myself, and there were several churches that helped me financially during that time. Also, when my ex took off on us, my own church paid a lot of my bills for quite some time so that I could finish nursing school. I know that sometimes pride becomes an issue...and it is hard to admit/accept help. But, when it comes to taking care of our children, there is nothing that should get in the way. They are our future, and our most precious resource. If I can help you research anything, please let me know. I would be glad to help any way I can.
Love in Christ,