6 Month Exam -161 pounds
Hi Everyone! I went for my 6 month exam this week and have lost 161 pounds. I am so thankful to God for this surgery and new lease on life!
I have also posted some new pics on my profile and more pics on my online photo albums at picturetrail.com. May God bless you all richly! Love, Cindy

Way to go Cindy! I am so glad that you are doing so well. I remember very early on when you had stalled for a couple of weeks and were really worried about it. Look at you now!!! 161 lbs less later! PTL!
We all love you very much and are so proud of you. It is such a blessing to see you doing so well!
Love, Jacinda
What an amazing person you are. I read your entire profile. Thank you for not leaving out one single word. I wrote down every scripture. I looked at all your pictures. You can see jesus in all of the faces of your family. Even Jake! I love the pictue of you with your hair in an up-do, I hope you wear it that way a lot. God's blessings to you and your family....Pam
You go girl! I am so happy for you! I have missed you! I have not been here much myself...lots going on here. Hope everything is going well for you! I had a little wow moment today. I actually fit in a pair of 14 jeans! I could not believe it! I tried them on just for giggles to see how close I was. They are a little snug, but I got them on, and could wear them comfortably. It has been a long time since I was that small! Let me know how you are doing!
Love ya!