***Thursday's Rollcall***
Howdy Guys and Gals!
Today is my first day of Sergeant's school and I am a little nervous I guess. I woke up at 4:00 am!!! I could have slept til 6! Oh well, life changes and all. I am going to guess that everyone is doing well and living life these days as evidenced by our lack of rollcalls lately. PTL!
How about some QOD?!?!?
1. Did you watch the new 10 commandments movie? If so, did you like it?
2. Since WLS, how good are you about following the "rules" ie:no caffine, no sodas, etc.?
3. How have you been blessed lately?
Ok...here are my answers.
1. I did no****ch the new movie but everyone was talking about it so I was just wondering. From what I've heard, most people still prefer the original version with Charlton Heston. We have it on DVD and I think I am going to start a new Easter tradition this year by having the whole family watch it together.
2. I am pretty good about the "rules" with the exception of caffine. At first I only allowed myself 1 cup of coffee a week, on Friday morning. But, I have been slipping in the last couple of weeks and have had a few extra cups. I am going to try harder to follow my little rule again.
3. I am blessed daily with my friends and family. You all are definitely included in that group. Also, inspite of numerous changes going on in my life right now, I have been able to maintain a positive attitude. PTL. He is my strength and my salvation!
I hope and pray that you are all doing well! I will post again tomorrow morning unless someone beats me to it.
Love, Jacinda

Here are my responses
1) No, I did no****ch the new movie. I own the original movie with Charlton Heston as well. I prefer to watch the original classic movies instead of modern remakes.
2)I have done really well at not drinking any caffeine, sodas, etc. My problem is avoiding a handful of baked lays with my salads. I like to have diced turkey and ham on a salad.
3)I have been blessed with answered prayer. My husband will be home on Saturday from IRaq. We will spend Easter together as a family. It has been a long 14 month separation.
Kathy from MO
Hi Jacinda! I am so proud of you, girl! Sergeant Jacinda!!!! PTL!
1. No, I didn'****ch it.
2. I have been blessed with being able to keep to the rules. I have had no caffeine, no sweets, no soda pops.... Thank You, Lord!
3. I have been blessed with loosing, in these six months since surgery, 161 pounds. I am so thankful to God! I have lost one whole person, but I have a whole other one yet to go!!!
I feel wonderful!
Love you all! Cindy

1. Did you watch the new 10 commandments movie? If so, did you like it?
i tried to watch it, but it was really boring and not that good as far as the acting goes.
2. Since WLS, how good are you about following the "rules" ie:no caffine, no sodas, etc.?
well........most of the time i will obey the rules, but sometimes i really need something different. please don't beat me, i'm sorry , so..so.. sorry.
3. How have you been blessed lately?
talking via email with my sister in Christ Letty.
Ya'll have a blessed day...love ya'll

Hi! Sergeants school---way to go!
1. I did no****ch the new 10 commandments movie (hadn't heard about it either)
2. I am very compliant with foods but confess I do drink coffee, generally the 'half-caff' and I do drink diet Dr Pepper. But I am not disobeying my surgeon since he allows that but just says it better to let it go a bit flat before drinking.
3. I have been so blessed lately. The Lord has answered prayer in the area of my adult children's lives. My youngest son is going on a mission trip with a group and is stepping up and taking spiritual leadership in his home (per my daughter in law). Also we recently made our last payment on the farm here, no more mortgage payments
Hope everyone has a blessed day

Howdy Back!
Congratulations on Starting Seargent's School! I hope the day went well.
1. Nope, I did not even know they made a new one. I don't understand why the big thing is to remake movies that were done well to begin with. It seems like a waste of resources.
2. Not Applicable Yet, but I have been decaf for quite a while. No sodas is going to be a change.
3. I am blessed every day by my 3 lovely boys.
I have also been blessed that the Lord has been covering for me with the county. I should be considered non-compliant, but in this world of bureacracy, I have a county that has a heart and uses it. Looking forward to WLS next week, once I am recovered, then I can concentrate on Job Search. It does not make sense to look for work just to say you can't start for 4-6 weeks.
I am blessed that my soon-to-be ex has come out of his funk and wants to spend time with his boys again. I am blessed that our house sold, that we agreed how to split the equity, and I was able to pay off most of my debt, and get the rest current.
I am blessed that the Lord has given me this year of unemployment to find Him and find myself.
I am blessed for the townhouse I am now in and the friend that made it available to us.
I am blessed by the people on the OH Christianity and April 2006, for the profiles of WLS surgery patients. To be ale to see before hand that although most will have struggles, almost all are glad that they did WLS, even if they had difficult complications.
I am blessed for family and friends who love me.
I am blessed to know the Lord!
God Bless You All! Heidi L-S
Wow, what do you do in Sergeant's school?
1.) Did you watch the new 10 commandments movie? No, I didn't. My classes are at night and I didn't have the forthought to record the program.
2) Since WLS, how good are you about following the "rules" i.e., no caffeine, no sodas, etc. At 28 months post op, I do really well on the soda's....I've only had a little Sprite and a little Ginger Ale....room temperature....mostly flat to ease nausea before my gall bladder surgery.
I stayed true to my doctor's request not to have coffee for six weeks after surgery....then only decaf and regular coffee after 6 months. I have a cup of coffee every day....and occassionally in the afternoon.
3) How have you been blessed lately? Last Sunday's Palm Sunday Service was wonderful....All the family(my three adult children, DH and myself as well as our daughter-in-law and my youngest's daughter's boyfriend. Unfortunately, my daughter's husband who is a fireman paramedic had to work to be off for Easter) was together and after our particpation in the service we gathered in a small corner and had a wonderful family prayer time. You can tell in my profile how important family is for all of us....God is Good!
Rejoice! I serve a risen Savior.