Poppin in to say HI!
Hey everyone!
Wow...things have been really crazy the past few weeks. Sorry that I have not been around much. My hubby came home from being out to sea for a month last Saturday. Then, we found out on Monday that he was having surgery on Tuesday! It has been a crazy ride this week. On top of all of that..remember that a while back I asked for prayer regarding my husband's orders and our complicated custody arrangement? Well, my ex husband and his wife (the one he left me for) are splitting up, and he says that he is not going to fight me about anything regarding the children anymore because he can't keep them. That means, that instead of hubby having to go to Japan so we can stay here...we can all move to Charleston! I hate to leave my church where I have been on the worship team for so many years, but my hubby is so very tired...and the job he will do will be in the daytime and he will get to come home every day instead of working 36hours +++ every 3 days...plus normal daytime work. He is getting ready to deploy in a few weeks, and I will be packing while he is gone...and will probably go pick us out a house around October or so. We are going to go to Charleston next week to look at neighborhoods. Hubby is very excited. He needs a break. He lived in Charleston before he lived here, and he already knows lots of people. My kids and I will certainly have a new adventure on our hands. I have never been there...so it should be interesting! Anyway...just wanted to say HI and hope everyone is well! I will pop in when I can but he will only be here a few more weeks before being gone for 6 months...so I know you guys understand. Have a great MONDAY!
PS...as of yesterday...I am officially "just overweight" LOL...Never thought I would actually be happy to say that!