Monday morning coffee talk
Good morning everyone! This one will be short. Oreo is demanding my attention this morning. She's had 3 babies and I think 1 more is on the way. Isn't life wonderful?!? She just had to come wake me up and show me. She is so proud of her babies. A baby comes into this world breathing the breath of life that God gives us. Man, we need to enjoy our life and enjoy every day that we have to live. God is so gracious and so awesome that HE gives us each breath we breath. Life is too short not to enjoy! LIVE LIFE AND ENJOY IT TODAY! God bless each of you today. (Did I say short?)
SO! Who's up? What cha drinking? Me? Seatle's Best Cinnamon Coffee this morning with creamer and BOY! Is it good! Someone on the main board mentioned it a couple of weeks ago and I found some. Glad I did!
Ya'll have a blessed and wonderful day! Randall 

Good morning Randall!!! I hope you have a wonderful day! Is Oreo a dog? I'm eager to hear more about the new babies... I hope they're all doing well and not taking too much of your time!
I'm drinking hazelnut coffee with lots of creamer in it getting ready to face the day! God has blessed us all with a beautiful one, I hope everyone can rejoice and enjoy it!