***Monday's Rollcall***
No plans yet. I'm raising my 14 year old cousin and her dad is coming to visit her from Arkansa for her 14th birthday on Saturday morning. I know he will be here until Sunday so that's why I haven't planned anything for Sunday. I might just take him, his wife and his kids to church with me Sunday morning.

Well Happy Thursday! I haven't been on for a while, but thought I would respond anyway, since this is such a great question.
My surgery is on Tuesday, and I am on the liqud diet, so on Sunday I get to bring the Jello!!!
I will be going to my church. I am also going to Maudy Thursday service tomorrow. I went last year and it was totally awesome, very deep and introspective, but it really sets the tone for the amazing thing Christ did for us.
I am not quite sure if my church is a Mega church yet or not. It is very much growing and pretty big, but I have been with them for 6 years now. This church pretty much saved my hide (ie, they had programs that I needed, and gave me love, even though I was a stranger, then as I started to sprout they let Jesus take over and now I am HIS). I love the contemporary style services.
Rather than doing a huge baseball stadium on Easter and Christmas, Westwood adds extra services. The pastors and the choir are going to be tired this year. They are starting out at 7am and have one service every hour and 10 minutes, with the last one starting at 12:50pm. I guess I should start praying for them now. They always do a very special service on Easter and Christmas. Aside from the fact that these are very special occasions in the life of the church, the leadership is very aware that there are many people that will be at church on the Holidays that do not have a personal relationship with Christ and/or aren't letting Him rein in their lives. The Christmas and Easter services are molded to speak to these people as well as regular attenders. My Kids, my SIL, and I will be going to one of the early to mid-morning services. Then we are going down to my parents farm an hour away, I am also bringing along a church friend and her daughter to the farm. As I mentioned I get to bring the Jello, and Applesauce! Yum. And of course my broth, pudding, and protein mix. What a feast!!!! Heck it will be well worth it when the weight starts coming off!
God Bless You all, and have a super Easter. Heidi L-S