***Monday's Rollcall***
Howdy Guys and Gals! Ok for those of you who don't know, it is actually Sunday night. But, I figured I'd go ahead and call the roll for tomorrow (Monday) so we could get things started early. I hope everyone had a wonderful Palm Sunday. We are in the home stretch for Resurrection Day (as my pastor likes to call it). I started to tell you all about my life right now but it was just too much for a roll call. You can read about it in my profile if you're interested. Instead...suffice to say that I am
How about a question of the day instead!
1. What kind of Easter/Resurrection day will you have this year?
Ans: My church and another large church got together this year and decided to have Easter services at the base ball stadium here in Houston. They did something similar on Christmas Eve this year which was at the basket ball arena. I hate to be a stick in the mud but I really do not like these services. It's just not church to me this way. It seems more like a concert (they are also having celebrity singers). Its also really difficult to take a 4 and 5 yo to something like this. There is no sunday school or child care for them. So, sadly, my family will skip Easter services this year. At least at church. We will be doing the whole egg hunt thing with the family though.
I think that should be enough. Have a great Monday everyone.
Love, Jacinda

DH and I attended Palm Sunday services with out children at their church in West Palm Beach....you might want to check it out sometime...http://gochristfellowship.com/ It's a mega church but you don't get the feeling of being among thousands....It's awesome. DH and I will probably drive up from Miami next Saturday for the Easter service there....it is so large they have to have it in the arena on Satuday evening at the Palm Beach County fairgrounds.
Easter morning DH and I gather our lawn chairs early and head about a mile east of our house to the community Sunrise service that is held on the Bay. It is dark when we gather...and we watch the sun rising over the mighty ocean with songs of Thanksgiving and praise for a risen Savior. After that, we stop for coffee on the way to our church's Easter service. I doubt if the grandkids will be here this year to hide and find eggs...I'll miss that part.
Blessings to all....

DH and I attended Palm Sunday services with out children at their church in West Palm Beach....you might want to check it out sometime...http://gochristfellowship.com/ It's a mega church but you don't get the feeling of being among thousands....It's awesome. DH and I will probably drive up from Miami next Saturday for the Easter service there....it is so large they have to have it in the arena on Satuday evening at the Palm Beach County fairgrounds.
Easter morning DH and I gather our lawn chairs early and head about a mile east of our house to the community Sunrise service that is held on the Bay. It is dark when we gather...and we watch the sun rising over the mighty ocean with songs of Thanksgiving and praise for a risen Savior. After that, we stop for coffee on the way to our church's Easter service. I doubt if the grandkids will be here this year to hide and find eggs...I'll miss that part.
Blessings to all....

I am not sure what I will be doing for Easter. I have two contingency plans.
1) I will be attending Easter services at our church www.westsidewaynesville.com and watching a production called Alone at the Altar or
2) I will be picking my husband up at the airport as he returns from Iraq. He is now stateside on his way to TX but I don't know when he will be flying home to Missouri
Have a great Monday
Kathy from MO
Good morning, glad to answer the roll call. I'm also a bit on the sleepy side since I am getting up in the middle of the night to feed a baby goat. My little nanny had two kids, boy and girl. She has decided not to accept the boy and will only let him nurse if I am there to make her. So at night he stays in a laundry basket by my bed and I give him a feed at about 2 a.m. When he gets a bit stronger I should not have to do this.
I have no specific plans for next Sunday but I imagine I will go to church and celebrate the Lords resurrection! It falls near Passover again this year and I really enjoy that since it is the Passover/First Fruits feast days that are actually the type and fullfillment of His death and resurrection. But ,whenever we celebrate it, the resurrection is definitely
right up there at the very top of things to be celebrated!

Our church will have the traditional Easter Service. I am Drama Director for our church and we will be performing some songs in sign, dowel rods and acting. We are looking forward to a great time in the Lord!! I love celebrating the fact that we have a Savior who was more powerful than any guard, any governor, any grave!! He loved us so much that He gave the ultimate sacrifice and then arose to show us the way to newness of life. He is AWESOME!!
Hello all! I just found this message board. Glad to see a christian based messageboard on here. I too go to a large church, Mt. Zion in Clarkston, MI www.mtzion.org We are currently getting ready to build a 3800 seat auditorium. I don't get the feeling of being lost in the crowd since I try to get involved with small group classes etc. I really want to join in on the services on Easter morning, but since I'm having radiation treatment on Thursday, I can't go to services on sunday (I'll be radioactive)
. So, my hubby and I will spend the day at home.
Wishing all of you a Happy Easter! God Bless!!!

The day before (Holy Saturday) we will be headed up to see my daughter in the group home about 1 hour from here. We'll take her basket and some gifts and visit for as long as she can tolerate the stimulation. I lead worship in our tiny church (less than 250 people). The 8am service is traditional and very intimate (usually less than 20 people). The 10am service is contemporary and more up-beat. Worship and praise really makes my heart so glad and sets the tone for the Holiday! We're having dinner with good friends who have teens who are good friends with our son. At New Year's, the adults played an interactive karoke game and stayed up until 2:30am laughing our heads off! We've been "warned" that a re-match is in the works!