2 year post-op anniversary
Well, As today is my 2 year anniversary since my Gastric Bypass surgery I've been thinking..What was my life like just two years ago. What life? I never wanted to go visit my parents because I might run into someone I went to school with. I didn't want to go to Corning because a lot of people from my "thinner" days lived there now. Forget the mall. That was just a painful experience for any number of reasons..walking around all day was one of them. Now however, I have a life again..I can do anything I choose and feel good doing it. I walked about 1.5 miles( a bit of it uphill) the other day and didn't even breath hard. I couldn't do that two years ago walking up my steps! I can play with my kids, wear a bathing suit, walk all day and not be tired, bend over and tie my shoes and breath at the same time, and have my picture taken without screaming!! Ok..I still hate my picture taken but I guess I better have it done once in awhile for my kids. My One and only regret is this. I didn't do it 10 years sooner. So I could be a "20 something" with a life. I thank God however that my younger children will never remember having a "fat" mommy. Although now when I put on my little jeans and a cute top my teens tell me "You're too old to look that cool, MOM!" I'm not sure that's a compliment???? Thanks Dr. Boss for giving me a life again. Even more so though Is the fact that I thank the LORD for Dr. Boss and his knowledge to do the surgery. Even with all my life threatening complications I'd do it again tomorrow to be where I am today!!! Speaking of Dr. Boss..I went to see him yesterday. What a hoot! First there was NO parking. Then when we finally found a place to park on the street..walked in and went to the 4th floor..Low and behold NO Dr. Boss' office and no one seemed to be able to tell us anything. Finally we walked back around the corner to see a small sign that said, the bariatric dept could only be reached by the silver elevators..So back to the 2nd floor Deanna and I go (my sister's 2 year anniversary is today too!) and we find the silver elevators, go to the 4th floor and finally find the bariatric dept. It's beautiful! However, I did tell them we were late because NO ONE ever clued us in on the fact that the parking was atrocious and that Dr Boss had MOVED in the hospital. They just laughed. Dr. Boss was pleased at where I was. We talked a little, he asked me about my vitamins and gave me a lab sheet to have done at my local hospital, told me he'd give me Foltrin ((does that have the same stuff as Trinsicon)) B12, etc..????? and I was OFF. His scales weigh a bit heavier than mine at home and when he asked me if there was food I avoided I said, Yeah after that weigh in..all carbs.!!! He didn't even do a physical exam because after all I no longer have the "surgery scar"..I've had a tummy tuck and its now only 1.5 inches long in a new place. He warned my sister of weight gain in the 2nd year but just told me if I found myself gaining to come see him sooner rather than later. I thanked him and told him I'm doing my best to stay in the 5 pound range..if I gain 5 lbs I "low carb" until it comes off. I pray that always works for me but know that it might not. Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with my life as it is..Can you tell???
Dear Faith,
Congratulations to you and your sister for your successes. Isn't life after WLS so much more sweeter. I regret not being able to have the surgery 20 years earlier. Unfortunately, my children will always remember their "fat" mother of their youth. However, nothing is sweeter than watching their expressions change as the "skinny" mother emerges. I just love going clothes shopping with them. They are definitely bringing their mother into a younger style. As my daughter puts it "your too young to dress that old". LOL
Kathy from MO
I have to say my kids have been some of my biggest fans. The older 3 remember me "fat" so they are very happy to see me healthy, thin and happier with what I'm doing. I too dressed "old" when heavy..But as soon as I started looking younger and thinner I started dressing younger and they had some adjusting to that..I dress very modestly but you can see I have a "figure" for the first time in Their lifetime..because I didnt' look like "THEIR MOM" they were used to..funny kiddos. Congrats on your new life too!