Friday morning coffee talk
GOOOOOOOOODDDDD morning OH Family! How ya doin' this morning? Up and at 'em yet? You know, I was thinking. That can be dangerous ya know!?
We live in a fast paced world. We want everything NOW! Microwave age. Fast paced, get it and go, rush rush rush. Driving 5 to 10 miles an hour faster than the speed zone just to get there fast type of life. All this fast paced stuff is enough to wear us out. I think we should designate today as a day of "slow pace". Slow down and take time to uh hum
"Smell the daisies"! If we'd learn to slow down and enjoy life, life would be so much better. Why am I thinking this today? I have taken this week to just lay back kinda and notice what I am "REALLY" doing. Life is way to short to "RUSH" it by. Let's slow down today and enjoy today. Take inventory and see what we are really doing in our daily lives instead of just rushing through it then not knowing what we did all day. I hope you enjoy your "slow" day today. Now don't go and make your boss upset by working slow. Didn't mean it that way, just slow your pace and enjoy your day. Love you all!
SO! Who's up? What cha drinking? Me? I'm having my Hawaiian Hazelnut with 1/2 and 1/2 this morning. It is sooooooo good too. Let's hear from you this morning! God bless each of you is my prayer! Have a great one! Randall 

Goodmorning Randall!! I am here with my small china cup with a great fresh brew of leaded with cinnamon-nut cream. It's my one treat I allow myself. I hate the artificial sweetners, so I use the regular stuff in moderation, and it takes me a long time to drink this little cup, so I am satisfied all morning. I am strange in that I like cold coffee as well as hot, so I can sip on it a long time. You know, I have always been a "slow-poke", so physically slowing down is not a problem for me!!
What you say however, reminds me to let my mind rest. I have always spent a great deal of time and energy "not liking" having been created this way, until God taught me that he made me this way for a reason, and that reason was his gift to me and to the ministry with children, and others that need a calming influence in their lives. It's difficult though to always live with this, when we are bombarded by the world with images and demands that are so opposite of God's best for us. It has been hard to take the time to take care of my body. The time it takes to exercise, to journal food, to meditate and study God's word; I know that it has to be done in God's will and order, and that it will work out that the other things that are always on my mind that need to be done will get taken care of. Anyway all that to say this, thanks for the reminder to let my mind slow down and rest in God's will. By the way, yesterday I went into our yard and gathered the most beautiful bouquets of daffodils and hyacinths!! Isn't God so wonderfully creative and generous?? I am home today all day to clean and do post-office stuff. My trips to the pool to exercise take 1and 1/2 hrs. round trip driving, so I can't do it every day, or I wouldn't get anything done at home. But today I look forward to putting a fresh vase of flowers in every room,and being uplifted by their incredible fragrances!! Well, I have gone on long enough. Have a great day everyone, and God Bless You!! Kathy B.