Tuesday morning coffee talk
Sorry I have missed the last 3 days everyone. I took the kids outta town for a weekend and yesterday I overslept. I appologize for slacking! I'm not dipping out on you guys again.
Good morning. Time to get up and at 'em this. LIfe is wonderful and full of fun, surprises, and wonders. I challenge you to go out and face today with expectation. Most of all I challenge you to be true and loyal to yourself and those around you! Loyalty and truthfulness pay off and are valuable traits! God bless you today and I hope you have a WONDERFUL Tuesday!
SO! Who's up? Who's sipping/drinking/gulping their coffee, tea, cappucino, or protein shake? Flavored/unflavored? Loaded/unloaded? Me? I'm sipping on my WAL-MART Peach Tea this morning and already had my coffee! Sometimes change is good!
Whatever you drink, welcome to the coffee talk crew!
I love you all and be blessed! Randall 

Hello Randall,
What a beautiful morning!! God answers prayer. I was up until 3 am talking with my 19 year old son. He wanted dating advice. I prayed to God asking that he would awaken me in time for my ladies Bible study this morning. I am awake a full two hours before the class meets. Praise God!!
I am drinking my protein. It is called Profect--cool melon burst flavor.
I need to order more I am out of the berry flavor.
Have a great day!
Kathy from MO