OT: Prayers for wisdom needed
I was nominated to the Vestry of our church. We are in upheaval. Our Pastor who founded the church 22 years ago resigned in January after battling clinical depression for years. Many people left in anger and dispair before he resigned. We are a wounded congregation. Our Priest-in-Charge is a wonderful, dynamic, Spirit-filled man and I feel very confident with him at the helm. Our infrastructure has been shattered with many Ministry Leaders quitting in protest and people leaving by the bus-load!! Through much soul-searching and prayer, I believe we are being called to a time of grieving and then regrouping and redefining our vision. We are being admonished to prayer, fasting and getting back to basics. This is not an easy task for folks who are on the edge, but I believe it is Godly and wise. Please keep us in prayer for protection from Satan and the verbal attacks we are facing. The gossip, judgements, manipulations and attacks that further tear at the fabric of our congregation are coming into full force right now and it is pretty rough.