First time since surgery
A couple of days ago I experienced throwing up for the first time since surgery.
It was my own stupid fault. I was just released to soft solids and I ate too much. I now recognize what my triggers are, and eating food because "it tastes good" is one of them for me! Man, that was some serious pain! I will do everything in my power not to have that happen again! I guess I'm concerned about getting stuff in, like protein and calcium and iron....*sigh* I mean, if I throw up, how am I supposed to get all my stuff in? BTW, I immediately felt better after throwing up, and I also switched to full liquids for a couple days to give my princess pouchie time to heal. It's better today. Thanks for reading. This is a wild journey....a journey that I'm glad I'm on and would (probably, I think) do again. *deep sigh*
Jen Halliday

Jen -- don't feel stupid for having made yourself sick. I mean, sure, you can now see how easy eating disorders may develop, but now you can easily see what triggers bad reactions for you, your body immediately reacts, you gave yourself time to heal and now you're back on track. The "tool" did what it was built to do.
And, yes, the best part is you feel better almost right away. For me, the negative reinforcement is immediate. Too much sugar = sick = don't eat it again. LOL! DONE!
You learned, there's NOTHING stupid in that.
24 May 2005
-93 lbs

Hi Joan! I tried to e-mail you at the address this site forwarded to me, but it failed. Anyway, here's what my message said:
Hi Joan! Congratulations on your pending surgery and life change! I would be happy to do anything I can for you. I live in northern VA but chose Dr. Givens because my sister had her surgery with him in 2004 (she lives in Columbia) and had such a wonderful experience that I didn't need to look elsewhere. Dr. Strickland assisted and I couldn't have asked for a better experience. They are both amazing surgeons and wonderful, caring men. I'm happy to pray for you and if I can offer any other answers or advice, just yell!
24 May 2005
-93 lbs