Friday morning coffee talk
Good morning guys! Friday is here!
The start of the weekend! What cha got planned? I hope you guys go out and make today the best day of your life, enjoy the weather, remember to take deep breaths to breath in God's greatness, and remember YOU ROCK! Have a great day!
SO! Who's up? Who's sipping/drinking/gulping their coffee, tea, water, cappuccino, or protein shake this morning? Flavored/unflavored? Loaded/unloaded? Me? I'm doing the Hawaiian Hazelnut again this morning and it is yummy! Let's hear from ya! What cha drinking?

I had my half-caf with two scoops of almond latte. Very good! The weekend is kind of project time as we are trying to prep some of our floors to have tile laid. Guess I will be taking up the linoleum tiles that are there to prep for the magic board to go down and then the ceramic tiles. It makes me a bit tired to think of it but it will be worth the effort ****ep telling myself this

Good morning Randall!!
Just got to work and checking the messageboards. Went to the hospital to visit George & his dad, he should be getting dismissed today. He will have to move in with us for about a week to see if he is able to live on his own. If so, we are moving him to an apartment closer to us. Therefore, we are going to be very busy for the next couple of weeks. Praise God that he is getting better. George said to tell everyone thanks for all the prayers and enouragement we have received this week. We love yall. Just had my Starbucks (from the hospital) Venti, White Chocolate Mocha, no fat. I know, I know I should have stayed away from the sugar
Oh, well have a great weekend.

Good morning Randall from Cayce, SC.
My name is Joan, married Christian woman, mother of two daughters, (35, 13) and have a wonderful Christian husband. I just finished reading your profile and I tell you....what a range of emotions I have had. May the Lord strengthen you and your son and daughter as you learn to live your lives w/o Joie's physical presence. Your testimony of the Lord's grace andstrength is awesome and I know He is able to do that exceedingly, abundantly more thing in all of your lives. No eye has see nor ear has heard nor has entered into the hearts of man what the Lord has prepared for those who love Him. (who are His).
My WLS is scheduled for April 25, my IVC filter (for bloodclots) is scheduled for April 18. I have been reading profiles for about 7 months and never went to the Christianity Board until this week. What a refreshing change. Much more uplifting and less crass.
Hello to everyone else here. Can not wait to be on the other side of the weight loss. I also had an accident in 1985 that left me with lack of motion, thus weight gain. Check out my profile for more info.
In Christ,