***Friday Rollcall***
Happy Friday All!
I am coming off my overnight job and headed to my real job this morning. I have already had my first cup of hot tea and I am starting to feel better. There's just something about that hot tea!
Let us know if you have any prayer requests today. Here are mine.
1. Buying our new house.
2. Selling our old house. (maybe that should have been first...
3. Hubby looking for a new teaching job.
4. My upcoming promotion.
You know guys, I always feel so much closer to the Lord when my life is going crazy like this. PTL! I guess its because I lean on Him more during the rough times. I know that's what He wants from us all the time. I hope everyone is well! God is good!
Love, Jacinda

I'm here this morning. I may not always reply or post, but I do read and want you all to know I am praying for you. God is SO FAITHFUL! He will do to depend on.
My prayer requests:
1. Continue to pray for me and my 2 children.
2. Pray that my Mom finds her own place to live. We do need her as she is a big help since Joie died, but just not in the same house. I LOVE HER!
3. God's PERFECT not permissive will for us.
4. Our church. WE NEED A MOVE OF GOD!
Thank you all in advance for your prayers. I appreciate you all so much! Randall 

I pray the Lord will meet all the needs mentioned in these posts. I find it so awesome to think of how the Lord knows and understands each one of us so intimately.
My praise for the day is the mission trip one of my sons is going on. He was trying to raise the money and my husband and I felt led to tell him we would provide half the needed amount. Since then my son spoke with his pastor and was actually wanting to get ideas for fund raising and his pastor called him back to the office and said, "no, you don't need that, this church will pay for the other half needed". That just confirmed my impression from the Lord that this was something he wanted my son to do. Please pray that this will be a life changing time for him and that the Lord will use him as a blessing and bless his life. I believe the trip will be around this time next year as they have until December of this year to be funded.
I've just prayed for each request listed here.
If you guys would also keep my job search in prayer. Prayers so far have been answered. I've had many many interviews and have three final interviews with three different companies next week. Please pray that I actually receive an offer and that I have the discernment to accept the best one for me according to God's plan.
Thank you and God bless you,
It seems like there is so much still left undone after last year's hurricanes...it took us forever to get the insurance out to look at our damage....and then their report
came...and it wasn't favorable. We know it is the "dance"
game that they play...but it get's so discouraging.
I think I'd rather face a car salesman than these insurance adjustors.....
The biggest issue is the roof..
..the insurance is repopening our claim and will send someone out next week for the fourth time...So, with all that said, that's my prayer request....that we can come to resolution about the roof and get it fixed before another hurricane season starts in June.

I am new to this site (check out my profile for info on me) but I love to pray and be prayed for. I am having my IVC Filter placed on April 18 early morning here in SC. Then my Lap Roux N Y on April 25. Please pray for my husband and daughters (35 married in CO, and 13 who I homeschool) to have peace while I am in surgery. I so want to be able to move around again and continue to serve Jesus the way I know He has led me to. Also, for the Lord to use me to comfort any in the hospital while I am there for pre-op testing (April5), IVC or RNY that needs a love touch from the Lord.
I will be praying for the above and below prayer requests on your behalf (all of you).
In Christ's love and grace,
Joan M
Hey Joan, Welcome to the board. We will all be praying for you. You are in good company here. There are a lot of strong Christian women and men here and we have all been where you are now. I think between all of us, we have gone through just about everything. Keep posting and let us know how you are doing and what your prayer needs are.
Love, Jacinda
Thanks Jacinda....well I am so nervous and this may seem simple... I have preop testing on April 5 and I am sooo scared of the blood gases being drawn. The nurse at Lexington Medical said they do a new one that is finger ***** but not sure if they do that one all the time. I guess it is because I have such bad veins and even though I know this is artery I am soo afraid they won't be able to get it.
I just need to have His Peace.