This isme!!!(please Read)

on 3/30/06 12:41 pm - Dunlap, CA
Hi everyone!!! I wanted to say Thank you to everyone who posted a reply to my post. I also wanted to tell you guys a few things about my self an my relationship with God. I guess so you guys would know that its not like me to be this way(panic attacks) all time an to see a differant side of me an get to know me. So here goes. I was born in Arkansas and lived there most of my life until I was a married adult then we moved to california in 1998. My dad abandoned me when I was born an i've seen him a few times through my life the last time I seen him was in 1996 I havent seen him sense and Have know idea where he is or even if he is alive. My mom remarried and and it was to a very abusive man who abused me verbaly and sexualy. My mom divorced him when I was 12 and I didnt see him again till I was 21 my mom remarried him and he was in my life again God did alot things of through this whole experiance. He died in 2004 but befor he died he came to the Lord we had forgiveness between us an he showed me the dad he would have been if he had gotten Jesus when I was a child. I got saved when I was 8 It was an amazing experiance I was slain in the spirit an spoke in tounges all at once I never felt such complete love an peace an joy in my life I never wanted to leave that place where I was at with just Jesus. I loved him at that moment an I new HE loved me and HE WAS REAL!!!! Know one would ever be able to convince me other wise! My relationship with Christ kept me together trough those times growing up. As a teenager I experianced alot of suicidal thoughts and tried a coulpe of times first time when I was 9. I was sad and depressed growing up from all the things that had happened. I got married when I was 17 I was not pregant just in love I married the youth group leader at my church I loved him at first sight. We were so young and so stupid neither one of us had a job or any money I was In LOVE!!! an so was He. I got prgant 3 months after we were married. I know! What was I thinking but Im so glad i did I have a beautiful daughter shes now 13, I also have 2 sons 12 an 8. I've been through everything you can think of though in my marriage. We both back slid really bad. I cant belive what Gods Grace is for those He LOVES!!! He brought us both back. I love him more now than ever God completely restored my marriage and My husband is so in love with me an I him. He is my biggest cherring section and he calls me his rockstar. We've been married now almost 15 years. We are part of our leadership at church and i am a worship leader at church God gave me the gift of music and he also gave me art I paint prophetic pictures now. God is so awsome that he can turn things around so much. We still have struggles but now its finacale we are in alot of debt $15,000 worth my husband got disabled and we had to use alot of credit cards. You know how that goes. We are thinking about seperating are family for 3 months so me and my kids can go stay with my mom in arkansas and my husband can stay here in california with some freinds so that we can not have rent and he can work alot of overtime so that we could get a savings so we can move an pay off some debt but we arnt sure that is what God wants so we are in waiting stage we need a break through finacialy. I had this surgery because I've been over weight my whole life (obese). I got up to 310 thats big. I want to be healthy but most of all active I want to get a job and help support my family. I am now as you guys know in the recovery fase an its hard all the questions I wish I would have had before the surgey but hinde sights 20/20 . im doing great physicaly but mentaly not so good thats my bigest struggle now, but after reading this I know God is faithful to me hes always been there for me. Im sorry Lord for forgetting. Thank you guys for taking the time to post replys and thank you for reading my story. Elizabeth
on 3/30/06 11:37 pm - Tumbleweed, TX
Eliza, yours is a story of God's grace and I think we can all identify with that although it is somewhat different for each of us. Nevertheless, we are all very needy when it comes to grace and the Lord supplies it abundantly! I pray the Lord will direct you in what you need to do as far as your financial situation. Most of us can identify with needs in that area of life too. The Lord is our provider!
on 4/1/06 2:49 pm - Livermore, CA
Elizabeth, thank you for sharing yourself with us. God never let's go of us, even when we take a wild ride! I am praying for a way for your family to stay together. I believe that you need the emotional support of your husband if you are having some emotional struggles due to the surgery. God will make a way, when there seems to be no way. He is very creative and don't forget His resources!!! Sometimes we think we see the only way to fix something, using own own imagination. I pray that your faith will be strengthed and that His way will be revealed to you quickly. I know I have bailed myself out of ho****er financialy a couple of times, when I really needed to pray and see what God would have me to do instead. At one point I took on a second job as a single parent with 2 teenagers and a VERY needy 7 year old daughter. I thought that was the "Wise" thing to do. I am horrified years later, the special times I missed with my kids and and how hard that must have been on my daughter. I look back on the string of babysitters I left her with and cringe. I know that God would have come up with a better plan if only I would have really sought His way. God bless you family with His presence, His provision and His grace. Love J. Marie
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