Why do people......
Insist on trying to bring me down where the WLS is concerned? I am on a group that knows about it and the topic was brought up recently. I have now heard everything from, "Why don't you just do it the normal way"? to "I can't believe you would want to be cut just to lose weight". I have listened to so much the past 2 days I am starting to question myself. And it really makes me mad. I waited for this for a long time and I have worked my booty off the past 3 months to get to where I am at. Only to have some uninformed poeple start knocking my decisions. I talked to hubby last night and realized it isn't my health fears. It is the money aspect. Insurance only pays so much and then it will be up to us. I already have over a thousand dollars in testing that needs paid. Am I worth it? We don't have much money and we struggle, is it right of me to place even more of a burden on us?
Ugh, I am still waiting to hear what insurance has to say, so I guess I will go from there. Thanks for letting me vent!!
Don't give into doubt and worry. Only those who've struggled with obesity and health related problems from obesity can even begin to understand.
As far as the financial part of it all. It is one the best investments you will ever make. You cannot put a price on good health, peace of mind, or healthy self-esteem. Also, imangine how much money you will save getting healthy? Being sick is very costly, (MD appts., drugs, therapy, and so on). Not to mention, stress and strain on the individual and their family.
Just keep your thoughts clear and God will guide you through. He cares for you and wants you to enjoy the precious life he gave you.
Also, one more comment...sometimes people are jealouos of your courage when one is convited to take very difficult steps to improve their life. So consider the source and be grateful the Lord has opened up this door for you.
Be encouraged sister and we love you,
Hi Tammy,
Put your faith in God, He will provide. You and your health are more than worth the cost of this surgery. God will provide. Try not to let what others may say about this life saving surgery get to you. God has provided this surgery for us who have tried time and time again to lose weight the "normal way". Fact: only 3% of all dieters lose a substantial amount of weight and keep it off over a period of 5 years. Listen to God. He will guide you through this time of trial. GOD WILL PROVIDE.
God bless you,
Annette L.
Hi Tammy,
i went through the same thing and I didn't let no one discourage me from having WLS. Be a little selfish and think about YOU. When I made my decision for WLS I agreed to do it for me, myself and I. Not my hubby or friends..I did for ME, because I wanted to live longer.
About your finances, sweety....hand em' over to the Lord. Just let go and have faith that HE will provide.
God Bless you and PLEASE don't let anybody decide for you or discourage you.
God Bless YOU,

Tammy, I asked the exact same question, "Am I worth it?" Well, you answered my question for me just by asking it yourself. I could see so clearly that YOU are definitely worth it. and I am definitely worth it too. We struggle financially too at times and the money could be spent in a million different places but I know for sure I am worth it. We will get through this Tammy. Blessings, Kim M.